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50 Cent Defends DJ Mister Cee

50 Cent Defends DJ Mister Cee


Known in gay circles for his antigay comments and ill-received tweets, 50 Cent is coming to the defense of the New York DJ who was arrested for having sex with another man in public last week.

According to reports, Mister Cee, a DJ on the Hot 97 station in New York, was arrested for having sex with a 20-year-old man in public. Other reports suggest the younger individual involved is transgender.

50 Cent says people shouldn't judge Mister Cee, saying he'd "make him my DJ any day."

The rapper told Hot 97's Miss Info, according to MTV: "It's only entertaining because he means that much to hip-hop culture. I recognize Mister Cee as the guy who offered us Biggie, so he means that much to the culture. And a lot of the kids that hear the radio don't see him the same way. ... How about if you say, "I'm Rick James, bitch?' How about if you say 'I don't care'? Who is to judge you when there's an audience -- that is probably one of the strongest audiences, if you look at Lady Gaga's career -- that says that that's fine? ... If you say it's not fine, you're gonna get attacked. You're gonna write apology notes."

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