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Listen to Gaga, Go to Hell?

Listen to Gaga, Go to Hell?


Fans are having mixed reactions to Lady Gaga's new single "Judas," but one girl has formed a pretty strong opinion. She thinks if you listen to Gaga's new song, you're going to hell.

"It really, really upset me, to the point where I was physically sick at some of the lyrics that she made public," the girl says.

She goes on to talk about moments in the song in which Gaga alludes to people having sex with Jesus, saying that she thinks Gaga is a member of the Illuminati.

She says you can't get into heaven if you have sex and anyone who listens to her song is a "demon" and "going to hell."

"Judas" is expected to debut at number one on the Billboard charts this week. Watch the girl's video here.

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