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S.C. Pol Pushes for Hate-Crimes Bill

S.C. Pol Pushes for Hate-Crimes Bill


A South Carolina lawmaker plans to reintroduce a state hate-crimes bill after a vicious antigay beating was caught on tape earlier this month.

"We need an all-inclusive hate crime law in this state that protects all people regardless of race, religion or sexual orientation," state representative John King said of the bill, according to The Charlotte Observer.

Opponents of the bill, who include Gov. Nikki Haley, say the state's existing laws are already adequate, however.

The FBI is currently probing the April 9 attack on 19-year-old Joshua Esskew in Rock Hill as a potential hate crime under federal laws.

Esskew told law enforcement officials that one of his assailants used an antigay slur before breaking a beer bottle over his head. No arrests have been made.

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