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Scissor Sisters Tweet Gets Political Intern Fired

Scissor Sisters Tweet Gets Political Intern Fired


An intern for Republican Congressman Allen West has been fired for retweeting a message from Scissor Sisters' Ana Matronic against Tracy Morgan's recent antigay rant, reports website Roll Call.

While West's staff is in Fort Lauderdale, his office is being manned by his interns. One of them is evidently following the Scissor Sisters Twitter feed and retweeted a message the band's lone female member sent out in response to Morgan.

"Dear Tracy Morgan's son: if you are gay, you can TOTALLY come live with me. We'll read James Baldwin & watch Paris is Burning. xxANA" is the message Matronic sent out after reading about Morgan's controversial homophobic stand-up routine, for which he has since apologized.

Yesterday, another tweet was sent from the account of West, an opponent of marriage equality, but this one apologized for the previous message. "Very sorry about the unauthorized RT. We were not hacked, an intern made an error. Apologies to all."

The intern, whose name has not been released, was later fired, according to Roll Call.

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