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Pawlenty Glitter-Bombed in S.F.

Pawlenty Glitter-Bombed in S.F.


Former Minnesota governor and current GOP presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty was hit with pink glitter Thursday in San Francisco by gay and women's rights activists.

Pawlenty was signing copies of his book Courage to Stand at a conference for private health insurers when members of the women's rights group CODEPINK showered his table with glitter and screamed at him.

"Where's your courage to stand for gay rights and women's reproductive rights?" asked one of the bombers, a petite young woman. "You're in San Francisco, home of gay hero Harvey Milk!" The video, via The Huffington Post, shows the woman being led away by police.

Pawlenty supported Minnesota's proposed constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage and vetoed a law that would "allow a surviving same-sex partner to sue to recover damages in the case of wrongful death and to execute a deceased partner's funeral wishes."

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