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NOM Not Focused on Divorce or Healthy Parenting

NOM Not Focused on Divorce or Healthy Parenting


In a debate with the Reverend Al Sharpton on New York's recent move to establish marriage equality, Brian Brown of the National Organization for Marriage admitted that the chief purpose of his organization is to block marriage equality, not strengthen parenting or prevent divorce.

Brown said that NOM does not support divorce but argued that it has "nothing to do with" redefining marriage. When Sharpton asked whether NOM supported civil unions instead of marriage for gay and lesbian couples, Brown said the organization opposed any state-sanctioned gay unions that resembled marriage.

MSNBC anchor Thomas Roberts asked whether NOM is working on anything other than same-sex marriage, to which Brown replied that NOM's chairwoman and cofounder Maggie Gallagher is researching the breakdown of marriage in the United States.

Watch the segment below:

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