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Giuliani Backtracks on Promise to Officiate Gay Wedding

Giuliani Backtracks on Promise to Officiate Gay Wedding


Former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani has gone back on his promise to perform the same-sex marriage ceremony for his friend Howard Koeppel, who provided shelter for the mayor during his divorce.

The New York Post reports on the pledge that Giuliani made to Koeppel and his partner, Mark Hsiao, who allowed the mayor to live with them in 2001 as his marriage to Donna Hanover ended. Giuliani said he would marry the men if same-sex marriage ever became legal in New York, which happened last week when Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed the marriage equality law that will take effect on July 24.

"Ten years later, Koeppel is distressed that his former house guest hasn't returned the many calls he began making before the legislation was passed last week," reports the Post.

Koeppel and Hsiao, who are new parents to young twin daughters, married in Connecticut in 2009, but they would like Giuliani, who retains the right to conduct weddings as a former mayor, to marry them in New York. The mayor has been married three times.

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