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Marriage Equality Supporters Look to Maine

Marriage Equality Supporters Look to Maine


Marriage equality supporters in Maine are seeking to return to the ballot box on the issue, less than two years after voters overturned a law granting marriage rights to same-sex couples.

The Associated Press reports that EqualityMaine and Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders announced are beginning the process of gathering 57,000 signatures to get the issue back on the ballot next year."We are going voter by voter," EqualityMaine's Betsy Smith said of planned marriage equality field operations.

Matt McTighe, GLAD's director of public education for Maine, said at a Thursday joint news conference with EqualityMaine, "We believe there's strong support for marriage in Maine. We believe that all families deserve the right to marry. The longer we wait, the longer we delay this right of loving and committed couples to marry."

Read the AP article here.

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