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  Folks Battle Bullying

  Folks Battle Bullying


Alan Ball and cast members of True Blood, HBO's mesmerizing supernatural series and considered the most LGBT-inclusive show on television, have filmed videos aimed at preventing suicide among bullied LGBT teenagers.

Alexander Skarsgard (pictured), who plays the sometimes sexually ambiguous vampire Eric, encourages parents to lead by example. "We have to teach our children .. .that every single human being has equal value," Skarsgard says. "To discriminate against someone because they have a different sexual orientation is unacceptable.

The video campaign urges troubled viewers to turn to the Trevor Project, a suicide prevention organization aimed at teenagers, before making a wrong decision.

For more information visit Watch Skarsgard's video below and the other videos on the following pages.

Kristin Bauer, who plays bisexual vampire Pam, gets emotional when she recalls a time she was severely depressed following the death of her father and best friend, until something happened to her that immediately changed her outlook.

Rutina Wesley, whose character Tara has become involved in a same-sex relationship this season, tells viewers to believe in themselves because she believes in them and thinks "you're perfect just the way you are."

Series creator Alan Ball, who is also responsible for the classic and gay-inclusive series Six Feet Under, recalls being bullied by other kids because he was smart. He now realizes that if he hadn't been different, he wouldn't have accomplished what he has.
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