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Gay Ugandan Faces Deportation From U.K.

Gay Ugandan Faces Deportation From U.K.


Robert Segwanyi, who fled Uganda after allegedly being tortured and jailed by police for his sexual orientation, is facing deportation from the United Kingdom.

Parliament Member Mike Hancock said he has "grave concerns" about Segwanyi being forced to return to his notoriously homophobic home country, and has even accused the U.K. Border Office of homophobia over the case.

Hancock also argues there are many issues with the case including misrepresentation of Segwanyi, new evidence from another gay Ugandan who won his asylum case, incorrect application of a recent Supreme Court Judgment on gay asylum seekers, and continued old-fashioned attitudes by the court officials.

"Unfortunately in recent months following the death of gay activist David Kato, things have got more dangerous for gay people in Uganda," Hancock wrote on his site.

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