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Dan Choi Trial Put on Hold

Dan Choi Trial Put on Hold


The trial of Lt. Dan Choi has been put on hold for 10 days after the judge in the case allowed attorneys for the "don't ask, don't tell" repeal advocate to pursue arguments that he is being treated differently because of the subject of his protest.

Choi was arrested in November along with 12 other protesters who had handcuffed themselves to the White House fence. If convicted, Choi faces a fine and a jail sentence of up to six months. The other protesters arrested in November had previously accepted a plea deal with prosecutors.

U.S. magistrate judge John Facciola said Wednesday that on its face, trial testimony indicated that "the nature of his speech or what [Choi] said" in the DADT protest influenced the prosecution against him, the Associated Press reports. Facciola put the trial on hold as government attorneys seek a review of the judge's action.

Read the report here.

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