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Watch Live Today: Prop. 8 Oral Arguments Before Calif. Supreme Court

Watch Live Today: Prop. 8 Oral Arguments Before Calif. Supreme Court


Oral arguments in the Proposition 8 case before the California Supreme Court will be streamed live Tuesday beginning at 1 p.m. eastern/10 a.m. pacific on the California Channel.

In January a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, where the case is currently on appeal, asked the state supreme court to rule whether under state law the backers of Prop. 8 have legal standing to appeal U.S. district judge Vaughn Walker's 2010 decision striking down the ballot measure when state political leaders declined to do so.

The court has 90 days to issue a ruling in the matter.

The full procedural question to be considered by the court:

"Whether under Article II, Section 8 of the California Constitution, or otherwise under California law, the official proponents of an initiative measure possess either a particularized interest in the initiative's validity or the authority to assert the State's interest in the initiative's validity, which would enable them to defend the constitutionality of the initiative upon its adoption or appeal a judgment invalidating the initiative, when the public officials charged with that duty refuse to do so."

Watch the live video feed from ABC

Watch the live video feed from the California Channel (This one is experiencing slowness)

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