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Gingrich Courts Pastoral Support in South Carolina

Gingrich Courts Pastoral Support in South Carolina


Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich's three-day tour of early primary state South Carolina began Monday with a town hall-style meeting attended by pastors and Christian conservatives at a Summerville church, where the former House speaker was asked about his pro-life record, and not asked about his own marital indiscretions. "They asked how does God influence, how does your religion influence your decisions," Dana Bertoluzzi, a Gingrich supporter who was in attendance, told CNN. "And he said that is very important to him, that faith is very important."

With his poll numbers ticking up, Gingrich in recent weeks has attempted to position himself as a formidable Romney alternative, one with solid social conservative credentials and a consistent political record. "I wouldn't lie to the American people, I wouldn't switch my positions for political reasons," Gingrich said Monday in an interview with WSC-FM radio. "It's wrong to go around and adopt radically different positions based on your need of any one election, then people will have to ask themselves, 'What will you tell me next time?'"

Read the CNN report here.

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