One of the hosts on Fox News' lively panel discussion show, The Five, had a strange prediction for retiring representative Barney Frank's future.
"Can I make a prediction, though?" asked host Greg Gutfeld, according to video of the moment cut by ThinkProgress. "Where do we see Frank going? I see a memoir in eight months called Being Frank -- because I think that's nice. He'll talk about being gay, struggling with his weight."
Then it got weirder.
"And then he's going to, later after that, open up a bed-and-breakfast," Gutfeld said. "And there won't be any breakfast, it will just be beds. It will be highly successful."
The jab is probably a reference to the scandal that led to Frank being reprimanded by the House in 1990. It had been revealed that Frank's former boyfriend had been running a prostitution ring out of Frank's home in the 1980s; Frank said he was unaware of this, and a House ethics panel concurred, but he was reprimanded for attempting to help the boyfriend with unrelated legal problems.
"That was a little nasty, I thought," objected fellow host Bob Beckel, the token liberal.
"Nasty?!" Gutfeld can be heard screaming in wonderment.
LGBT readers might remember Gutfeld as the host of Fox's raucous late-night show Red Eye and for having suggested that a gay bar be built next to the mosque proposed near ground zero.
"As you know, the Muslim faith doesn't look kindly upon homosexuality, which is why I'm building this bar," wrote the often outrageous host in a blog post. "It is an effort to break down barriers and reduce deadly homophobia in the Islamic world. ... Bottom line: I hope that the mosque owners will be as open to the bar as I am to the new mosque. After all, the belief driving them to open up their center near ground zero is no different than mine."