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Santorum Touts Maggie Gallagher's Endorsement

Santorum Touts Maggie Gallagher's Endorsement


Republican presidential hopeful Rick Santorum is touting the support of former National Organization for Marriage chairman Maggie Gallagher, who emailed supporters last week endorsing the very conservative candidate.

"...The left, which thought it had buried Santorum years ago, is going after him with a hatred unmatched," she wrote last week. "They hate him with that special ire reserved for a man's virtues, not his vices. They will go after him not just to defeat Rick Santorum, but to smear his good name, to associate it with their own muck, to take a decent and honorable man and try literally to make his name mean mud."

Gallagher said that the left would not prevail over the former Pennsylvania Senator, who won second place in the Iowa caucus earlier this month, and virtually tied for fourth with Newt Gingrich in the New Hampshire primary last week.

Santorum further explains on his website that he was one of the original authors of the Federal Marriage Amendment, which would have barred the government from recognizing the state-sanctioned marriages of gay people. He also said he is the only Republican "presidential contender to campaign in Iowa against the state supreme court justices who redefined marriage."

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