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Tyler Clementi's Lover Testifies in Ravi Trial

Tyler Clementi's Lover Testifies in Ravi Trial


The man captured on a webcam making out with Tyler Clementi, the Rutgers student who ended his life in September 2010, testified Friday in the trial of Dharun Ravi, Clementi's roommate.

The man was identified only as M.B.; his full name was not allowed to be released, nor was his photograph.

M.B. said he met Clementi through a gay social network and that they gathered for three trysts in Clementi's dorm. During the second assignation, M.B. testified, he noticed a webcam pointed in his direction. He also said he was careful to leave before Ravi, who secretly set up the webcam, returned to the dormitory.

Though M.B. said he and Clementi had sex that night, students who testified to watching the video said they only saw the men kissing. When he left the dorm that evening, he said there were about five students watching him as he left. The third time he met with Clementi, he heard disturbing comments made in the dorm courtyard, but he was not allowed to elaborate on what was said.

Media reports indicate M.B. appeared to be in his 20s, trim, and neatly put-together, an appearance that contradicted with Ravi's description of him. Ravi claimed he taped Clementi and M.B. because M.B. appeared "sketchy" and he was worried he might steal his computer.

Ravi faces 15 criminal counts, including bias intimidation, for secretly taping his roommate and showing the footage to other students. Read more here.

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Neal Broverman

Neal Broverman is the Editorial Director, Print of Pride Media, publishers of The Advocate, Out, Out Traveler, and Plus, spending more than 20 years in journalism. He indulges his interest in transportation and urban planning with regular contributions to Los Angeles magazine, and his work has also appeared in the Los Angeles Times and USA Today. He lives in the City of Angels with his husband, children, and their chiweenie.
Neal Broverman is the Editorial Director, Print of Pride Media, publishers of The Advocate, Out, Out Traveler, and Plus, spending more than 20 years in journalism. He indulges his interest in transportation and urban planning with regular contributions to Los Angeles magazine, and his work has also appeared in the Los Angeles Times and USA Today. He lives in the City of Angels with his husband, children, and their chiweenie.