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White House State Dinner's LGBT Guests

White House State Dinner's LGBT Guests

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The 362-person guest list for Wednesday evening's White House state dinner for the United Kingdom included a notable number of gay and lesbian invitees -- some who are leaders in the LGBT rights movement, others major fundraisers for the Obama reelection campaign (and still others, both).

Who made the list for the largest state dinner thus far of the Obama administration? Click the next page and find out who some of the LGBT guests were.

Andrew Sullivan, columnist/blogger for Daily Beast/Newsweek (attended with Aaron Tone)

Sally Susman, Executive Vice President of Policy, External Affairs, and Communications at Pfizer Inc. (attended with Robin Carter). Susman is a major fundraiser, or "bundler," for the Obama campaign.

Chad Griffin, incoming president of the Human Rights Campaign (attended with Jerome Fallon). Griffin is also a bundler for the Obama campaign.

Randi Weingarten, President of the American Federation of Teachers (attended with Louise Anne Rogers)

John Berry, director of the Office of Personnel Management (attended with Curtis Yee)

Bradley Kiley, director of the Office of Management and Administration (attended with James M Coley, Jr.)

Jonathan Capehart, columnist for the Washington Post (attended with Nicholas Schmit IV)

Wally Brewster, Chicago real estate executive and major fundraiser for the Obama campaign (attended with Robert Satawake)

Barry Karas, former HRC board member and an Obama campaign major fundraiser (attended with Bruce Green)

Tim Gill, founder of the Gill foundation (attended with Scott Miller)

Hilary Rosen, partner in the political communications firm SKDKnickerbocker (attended with John Kelly)

Dana Perlman, HRC board member and Obama campaign major fundraiser (attended with Hugh Kinsellagh)

Joseph Falk, major fundraiser for the Obama campaign (attended with Mark Scott)

David Bohnett, philanthropist and founder of GeoCities (attended with Deborah Borda)

Fred Eychaner, media entrepreneur and major Democratic donor
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