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This Michigan judge used antigay and racist slurs in disturbing recordings

Oakland County Chief Probate Pro Tem Judge Kathleen Ryan 52nd district courthouse
images via Oakland County Court

The foul-mouthed jurist was suspended, but only after the accused released years of recordings.

A judge in Michigan can be heard using homophobic slurs and claiming she is a “new racist” in disturbing audio recordings that led to her suspension from the bench in Detroit last month, local ABC affiliate WXYZ reported.

Oakland County Chief Probate Pro Tem Judge Kathleen Ryan was removed from her docket on August 27 following the release of the recordings. In her decision to suspend Ryan, Chief Probate Judge Linda Hallmark noted a formal harassment complaint had been filed with the governing Judicial Tenure Commission regarding her alleged unprofessional conduct.

The recordings were made over an unspecified number of years by Oakland County Probate Court Administrator Edward Hutton. Hutton said he was disturbed and intimidated by Ryan, who called him after work hours to vent about coworkers, government officials, and issues of the day.

The recordings were separately authenticated for the Detroit Newsby Oakland County Board of Commissioners Chairman David Woodward and by the office of Oakland County Executive Dave Coulter. Coulter was a reported subject of Ryan’s wrath in the recordings.

“If you’re an American Black person then you’re a f*ck*ng lazy piece of sh*t,” Ryan can be heard in a recording.

In another recording, Ryan claimed her experiences with the Black community had turned her into a new kind of racist.

“I can honestly say that,” Ryan says of her evolution as a bigot. “Okay, I’m not systemically racist, I’m a new racist.”

She can be heard calling an elected official a “little f*gg*t” in another recording.

Hutton said he filed the complaint in May but nothing had been done. That’s why he released the recordings to a wider audience, including Coulter and WXYZ.

Hutton said he is not looking for a payday, but only wants to do his job without the harassment of Ryan. He said he wants the public to know they will get a fair shake in court, which he does not believe they can always get from Ryan.

Hutton also revealed the complaint is partly personal.

“She’s made it a living hell in the past six years. I mean, it's been terrible,” Hutton told WXYZ. “It’s cost me relationships. I think it’s affected my health. Can't sleep.”

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