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Queer Couple Accosted by Homophobic Woman at Miami Starbucks

Queer Couple Accosted by Homophobic Woman at Miami Starbucks

Cassie Urry and Lorrin Skrbec (pictured right)

The verbal attack was captured in a TikTok video that has since gone viral.

An Ohio couple spoke out about a viral TikTok video that captured a woman's homophobic rant towards them at a Miami Starbucks.

The incident occurred on March 6, while Cassie Urry and Lorrin Skrbec were grabbing coffee before their cruise vacation.

"It was a lot, like, I've never had anyone speak to me that way," Skrbec told local television station WTVJ. "So it was extremely surprising."

In a follow-up video posted to TikTok, Urry explained that when she and her partner entered the Starbucks, the unidentified woman was "making very racist comments" and accosting an Asian customer for bringing COVID-19 to the United States.

It was at this point that Skrbec spoke up and Urry began recording.

As shown in the video, the woman began attacking the couple with homophobic comments, saying that lesbians "touch children," “rape children,” and are "all evil." Urry and Skrbec remained calm and tried not to escalate the situation.


Interaction with this lovely lady in Miami

Urry shared the encounter on her TikTok account, and within two days, it received more than 470,000 likes and almost 19,000 comments. The video was then reposted on Twitter, where it amassed over 4.6 million views.

Towards the end of the video, the store’s manager attempted to intervene, but the couple had to leave hurriedly to board their cruise ship.

Miami police confirmed to WTVJ that officers were called to the Starbucks, where they instructed the woman to leave the premises.

"We were just trying to defend the other people in the store, [and] keep calm about what she was saying to us because it wasn't going to go anywhere," Urry said on TikTok. She also shared that the support they've received has "greatly outweighed the negativity," and expressed her appreciation for those leaving "kind and supportive comments."

In another video on TikTok, Urry explained that the rest of the couple's vacation went off without a hitch.

Watch Urry's response video below.

Replying to @skrbie part two and answering questions about the starbucks lady

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