It's 2014, states are falling like dominoes, and same-sex marriage is becoming more and more widespread. Concurrently, gay families are on the rise. As of the 2010 census, an estimated 19% of same-sex couple households are raising children, up from 8% in 2000. At this rate, gay parenting will soon become the norm rather than the exception. This leaves all parents with one question that is paramount -- how do we explain "gay" in a positive light to our kids?
A while back, I did a story on a book titled The Princes and the Treasure, which is groundbreaking simply for the fact that it is a fairy tale starring two gay men. And why not start with fairy tales? It's a tried-and-true form that has been around for generations. Clever takes on known fairy tales are an excellent way to show kids "Hey, this is what 'gay' is, and it's really no different than 'straight.'" My 5-year-old son absolutely loves the book and has it alongside other classics such as The Three Little Pigs and Goldilocks and the Three Bears (pigs and bears -- I know, I'm dying laughing too).
Videos are another great medium to use, because they convey a point in an easy manner that kids understand. The following is a YouTube video created by Ted Sod and Blake McCarty titled Papa's Prince. Essentially, it is a gay version of the classic The Frog Prince. It's funny, it's educational, and it's simple. It's under seven minutes long and kids will love it. I will happily show this video to my son and to any of his friends who may have questions about what 'gay' is. Check it out and leave positive comments - we need more things like this!
FRANK LOWE is The Advocate's parenting writer. Follow Frank on Twitter @GayAtHomeDad and on Instagram at gayathomedad.