Actor Rick Cosnett who starred on the CW's The Flash came out as gay in a sweet video posted to Instagram.
"Hi everyone. Dramatic pause," Cosnett said. "I'm gay."
"I just wanted everyone to know because I've made a promise to myself to live my truth every day and sometimes that is a really hard thing to do when you have all these subconscious things that you don't even know about from childhood and society and from just life," Cosnett, who was born in Zimbabwe and moved to Australia as a teenager said.
"Most of you probably already knew anyway," he added.
On the Flash, he played a pivotal character who was friends with the Flash Barry Allen (Grant Gustin), was romantically involved with Iris (Candice Patton), and was partners with Iris's dad Joe (Jesse L. Martin). He was also related to the supervillain Eobard Thawne (Reverse Flash).
Cosnett has also starred in The Vampire Diaries, Quantico and the acclaimed Bolivian gay-themed film Tu Me Manques (2019).
He ended his video with, "That's all I wanted to say."
"I also have a sty on my eye, which adds to the whole drama of the whole thing," he joked.
Watch the video below.