Wayne tells us about his simple iconic portraits:
"Sometimes it feels like I am a streetscape photographer who places people in the composition to make them the highlight. In one portrait, a man poses with his dog, but in the background there is a photo on a concrete wall that shows a kid aiming a gun — right at the dog, that shot I planned out. There are signs and stickers in the background that I use to create stories within the photos. Another portrait that I didn't plan, but is one of my favorites, is from an ice-fishing trip. My buddy and I were out on the ice when we found the remains of a buck white-tailed deer that had fallen through the ice. My buddy stands there with an axe in one hand and the antlered head and spine of the deer in another. Throw in good light and a handsome man and it made a great portrait of someone doing what he truly loves, being outdoors and having adventures. Most of those I shoot are not models, but they like like being one for an hour or two."
Born in 1963, Wayne D. Lewis has been an award-winning graphic designer and illustrator for more than 30 years, but lately photography has become his main creative outlet. There is something about the immediacy and intimacy when working with a subject that fills his need for instant gratification.
Contact him for portrait and event photography at happydog63@outlook.com and visit his website, Happydog63Creative.com, and Instagram, happydog63.