Breitbart Cuts Ties with Paul Ryan's Anti-Semitic 'Pro-White' Primary Opponent

Ryan's 2018 "pro-white" GOP primary opponent Paul Nehlen went too far even for Breitbart.
December 28 2017 12:16 AM EST
July 11 2018 11:59 PM EST
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Ryan's 2018 "pro-white" GOP primary opponent Paul Nehlen went too far even for Breitbart.
Steve Bannon and Breitbart have distanced themselves from Paul Ryan's GOP mid-terms primary opponent Paul Nehlen, who recently donated to and stumped for failed Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore, over Nehlen's anti-Semitic tweets, according to The Washington Post.
The move by Bannon and Breitbart is significant considering the far-right site covered Nehlen's challenge to Ryan at length in 2016, publishing more than 30 stories about him. But Nehlen, who identifies as "pro-white" went too far even for Breitbart.
"He's gone off the deep end," Breitbart Senior Editor-at-Large Joel Pollak Tweeted. "We don't support him. Haven't covered him in months."
Earlier this month Nehlen appeared on the white-nationalist podcast "Fash the Nation" after he was temporarily suspended from Twitter and said he'd been "shoah'd for 12 hours." Shoah is another term for the Holocaust.
Following Moore's loss to Democrat Doug Jones, Nehlen, who had campaigned for Moore saying "You're going to see candidates like Roy Moore, like myself, like Kelli Ward [of Arizona] standing strong with President Trump," engaged in several Twitter feuds in which he invoked anti-semitic language that put him on blast with Bannon and Breitbart.
During one Twitter fight, Nehlen accused author and free speech attorney Ari Cohn of trying to start a race war when Cohn pointed out that he is white, so Nehlen responded with a tweet that included multiple parentheses, a dog whistle on social media to white nationalists that someone is Jewish.
Just this week Nehlen shared a picture of his current reading material -- Kevin McDonald's The Culture of Critique, in which the author contends that "millions of people have been killed as a result of the failure of Jewish assimilation into European societies," according to The Washington Post.
After being spurned for his anti-semitism, Nehlen dug in deep with his pro-white rhetoric in a text message to The Washington Post.
"Allow me to answer with this question: If pro-White is White supremacy, what is pro-Jewish?" Nehlen wrote. "I reject being called a White Supremacist, because clearly, Pro-White isn't White Supremacy unless Pro-Jewish is Jewish Supremacy."