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![Alex Morse Inaugural](
Mayor Morse and guests dancing
Alex Morse became one of the youngest out mayors in the country when, at age 22, he was elected in 2011 to lead Holyoke, Mass. He was reelected to a third term late last year and recently took part in a Holyoke tradition: the fancy inaugural ball. Check out images from the party on the next pages.
All photos by Rob Deza
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Lucas Grindley
Lucas Grindley is VP and Editorial Director for Here Media, which is parent company to The Advocate. His Twitter account is filled with politics, Philip Glass appreciation, and adorable photos of his twin toddler daughters.
Lucas Grindley is VP and Editorial Director for Here Media, which is parent company to The Advocate. His Twitter account is filled with politics, Philip Glass appreciation, and adorable photos of his twin toddler daughters.