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Women Are Calling Out Roy Moore as a Pervert With #MeAt14


Celebrities are posting photos of themselves at age 14, in order to highlight the horrific accusations that the Republican candidate made sexual advances on teens.

Women are using social media to make a statement against Roy Moore, the Republican candidate for U.S. Senate who is accused of making sexual advances on several teen girls.

[RELATED: "Mitch McConnell Now Says Roy Moore Should Leave Senate Race"]

The Daily Show writer Lizz Winstead launched the #MeAt14 campaign in response to Leigh Corfman accusing Moore of initiating a sexual relationship with her when she was only 14. Moore was 32 at the time. Winstead posted a picture of her at her full fourteen-year-old awkwardness to reinforce why there is an age of consent.

Alyssa Milano, who founded the #MeToo campaign, was among the first to jump onboard the campaign.

Now others are joining in protest.

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