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16 Times Trump Deflected Controversy to Hillary Clinton

16 Times Trump Deflected Controversy to Hillary Clinton

trump hilary

What's the best way to respond to a scandal? Criticize your rival.

"Hillary Clinton, I can't quit you" is a phrase never tweeted by President Donald Trump. Yet the sentiment rings true. A perusal of Trump's messaging shows he's tweeted the word "Hillary" a whopping 837 times since 2012, often at precisely the moment he wants news to change the subject from his own scandal-plagued administration to the actions of his popular vote-winning archnemesis. He's a sampling of his most obvious misdirects.Billboard Music Awards1. Amid the recent Roy Moore scandal.
Calling Clinton the "worst (and biggest) loser of all time," on November 18 Trump literally begged his former opponent to run again. A race where he steadfastly refused comment? The ongoing U.S. Senate race in Alabama, where Republican Roy Moore faces allegations of trying to seduce a 14-year-old when he was 32 and of once assaulting a 16-year-old waitress in his vehicle before kicking her out and telling her no one would believe her story.[rebelmouse-image 32738791 expand=1 dam=1 alt="Roisin Murphy, "Ten Miles High"" site_id=25879312 is_animated_gif=false original_size="1000x660" crop_info="%7B%22image%22%3A%20%22https%3A//" caption="The queen of unique, electronic Irish artist Roisin Murphym is back with a new single and video. \"Ten Miles High,\" off her forthcoming album, Take Her Up to Monto, is a slow-burner of a song, building to a crescendo that, purposefully, never quite arrives. The video is an acid trip view of the inner workings of London, with Murphy strutting in construction garb through streets, parking lots, the Underground, and, finally, a church that makes her literally drop to her knees.\n" photo_credit=""]2. When he was cuddling too close to Putin.
Despite the agreement of the entire intelligence community that Russia meddled in the United States election, Trump during a trip to Asia announced he believed Vladimir Putin's denials of involvement in any such silly thing. But when that generated bad press, Trump went back to his favorite subject. "Does the Fake News Media remember when Crooked Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State, was begging Russia to be our friend," he tweeted before raising the attempt at a Russian reset.A Brief History of Gay Porn3. The day his campaign manager got indicted.
As Special Counsel Robert Mueller unveiled the first round of indictments in his Russia investigation, including charges against former campaign manager Paul Manafort, Donald Trump only wondered why all the news wasn't about private citizen Hillary Clinton. Shouldn't an investigation of Trump's improbable win lead to the Democrats in the end? "Why aren't Crooked Hillary & the Dems the focus?????"Celebrating Five Years of the GLBT History Museum4. When Jr. stepped in it with Russian meetings.
Donald Trump Jr. got into some serious trouble when electronic communications revealed he in fact did meet with a Russian lawyer on the promise of damaging info on the Clinton camp. Papa Trump put up his best "But her emails" routine.Starring in The Hotel New Hampshire5. When 'Obstruction of Justice' became a legit thing.
As work leaked that Mueller was investigating if Trump himself for obstructing justice with the firing of FBI Director James Comey, Trump called it a nonstory and again suggested Hillary's dealings with Russia were getting ignored in favor of his "non-dealings."Mo Kenney, In My Dreams6. Right before he got his 100-day report card.
As he neared 100 days in office, Trump held low approval ratings, around 44 percent according to CNN, but he wanted to focus on other polling data showing that he'd still have beaten Hillary in key swing states. Trevor MacDonald7. As the Obamacare repeal imploded before his eyes
As the nation's attention turned toward the spectacular collapse of the GOP attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act, Trump, who made repeal a tenet of his candidacy for president, thought the real story meriting attention was a debunked and years-old tale about the Clintons orchestrating a sale of uranium. Why isn't the House Intelligence Committee looking at that, huh?8_18. When he had to fire "wonderful man" Michael Flynn.
On February 15, enough information came to light to prompt the firing of National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, who at the time was under investigation by the Pentagon Inspector General. Flynn had lied to such prominent members of the administration as Vice President Mike Pence about communications with Russia, according to a report in The Washington Post. You'd think that would mean Trump saw some veracity to attacks on Flynn's character. Nah, he just blamed the media for covering up Hillary Clinton's "many mistakes" in her campaign.9_19. While he was pushing through some crazy Cabinet picks.
Man, one thing Donald Trump did not want Americans doing was watching those terrible confirmation hearings for Jeff Sessions and Betsy DeVos (despite them getting through anyhow). Instead, January seemed like a good time to talk about Hillary voters' lack of passion. 10_110. When he need to talk anything but the pee-pee tape.
OK, so there are plenty of reason to believe there's not a pee-pee tape. Heck, Buzzfeed practically laid those out when it first released the Steele dossier January 10. But lack of evidence didn't stop Trump three days after the dossier's release from accusing the FBI of overlooking alleged criminal activity on Clinton's part, you know, the real deal and urine-free scandal. 11_111. As he questioned that popular vote tally.
It took some time to finally count all the votes and see just how badly Hillary Clinton crushed Trump despite losing in the Electoral College. But CNN released a figure of about 2.9 million votes December 15. The same day, Trump took Hillary to task for an unsophisticated strategy.12_112. When the FBI agreed Russia was the Trump campaign MVP.
As the intelligence community came together in agreement that Russia hacked American political institutions in an effort to throw the election to Trump, the then-president-elect tossed cold water at the idea and once again brought up the fact Hillary lost.Sundance Film Festival13. When CNN called BS on voter fraud claims.
Clearly upset that his populist message got undermined when he lost the popular vote, Trump clung for weeks to the notion that voter fraud gave Clinton the edge in ballots cast. But when CNN investigated and found otherwise, Trump's answer was to characterize Clinton's loss as "a landslide" and cast CNN as Hillary supporters.14_114. When he saw himself on an 'Access Hollywood' bus.
The most personally embarrassing day of the Trump campaign must surely have been October 7, 2016, when video of his visit with Billy Bush bragging about grabbing kitty cats went public. Two days later, his response was to push a Breitbart video with Juanita Broaddrick accusing Bill Clinton of rape and Hillary Clinton of covering it up. Shortly after calling Clinton an "enabler," Trump brought several Bill Clinton accusers to a presidential debate as his guests.15_115. When he took credit for predicting Pulse somehow.
In a bizarre tweet on June 12, 2016, Trump generated huge backlash for saying while he appreciates "the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism, I don't want congrats, I want toughness & vigilance." The message garnered plenty of bad press itself so he shifted attention toward, you guessed it, Hillary, casting her as a candidate co-opting his questionable rhetoric.16_116. While fellow GOPers mounted a last-ditch effort against him.
As opponents like Ted Cruz and John Kasich mounted an effort to deny Trump the Republican nomination, Trump unveiled a new nickname for his likely general election opponent on April 17, 2016, dubbing her "Crooked Hillary" for the first of 228 times on Twitter.

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