It's a
disturbingly plausible nightmare scenario: In the big-budget
studio thriller V for Vendetta, a totalitarian state,
driven by fundamentalist Christian ideologues, rises
in England under the specter of massive terrorist
attacks. The government exploits the public's
collective fear as an excuse to persecute and imprison
Muslims, political dissidents, and gays and lesbians.
What's more, the film's hero is a
self-styled terrorist, a mysterious masked man named V (Hugo
Weaving) with an affection for Guy Fawkes--the
infamous Englishman who tried to blow up the houses of
Parliament in 1605--whom we see through the eyes of
Evey (Natalie Portman), an orphaned naif whom V rescues
from rape in the film's opening scene.
As if those
weren't enough timely hot potatoes to juggle, what
may really surprise gay audiences--even those
familiar with Alan Moore's 1980s comic book
series later compiled into a 1989 graphic novel, on which
the film is based--is how prominently queer
characters figure in the film's story. In fact,
when director James McTeigue and screenwriters Larry and
Andy Wachowski (the Matrix trilogy) were
updating the graphic novel's anti-Thatcherite
politics for the screen, they changed one prominent
character from being Evey's straight lover to being
the closeted gay host of a popular talk show (played,
natch, by gay Renaissance man Stephen Fry) who hides
Evey after the government suspects she's in collusion
with V.
"I think
in some ways the graphic novel was a victim of its time in
how to express homosexuality," explains
McTeigue, the Wachowski's first assistant
director on the Matrix movies, now making his debut
in the big chair with Vendetta. "It's a
larger comment on what actually goes on in the
entertainment business as it is. Unfortunately, through the
way that the media perceives actors and entertainers,
there are people out there who lead secret lives. It
was a good opportunity to comment on that."
Speaking of
which, press reports of elder Wachowski brother
Larry's cross-dressing and his relationship
with a renowned Los Angeles dominatrix could lead
audiences to understand why he might be drawn to
sexual minorities in his films. (Alas, the Wachowski
brothers, who made their film-directing debut with the
ubersexy lesbian noir Bound, have not
spoken with the media since the first Matrix film.)
Another of the
film's sexual outsiders is Valerie, a lesbian
prisoner of the state whose moving and thematically
crucial story is told in flashback after Evey is
captured, shorn bald, and cruelly imprisoned. Explains
Natasha Wightman, the stunning London actress who plays
Valerie, "she finds something, her integrity,
which they can't take from her. She'd
almost died and then come alive again through what she found
in herself." The role required Wightman, who
also works on nature-based documentaries, to shave her
head as well, and she says the simple change helped to
illuminate the kind of discrimination many lesbians
"I like
wearing combat [boots], I don't really wear makeup,
and suddenly I had a skinhead," Wightman says.
"People would definitely react to me
differently, especially men.... I had the police called
to my property because somebody thought I was breaking
into my own house." She laughs.
"I've got short hair, and suddenly I'm
a bloke!"