I wrote an
article titled "Why I'm Mad at
MADD" for The Los Angeles Independent just
before Memorial Day weekend. It went up online on their
Web site (laindependent.com) and was on newsstands the
following week, in their June 8 issue. There was
an overwhelming response since I included info on
whom to contact at MADD Canada and at the Screen Actors
Guild. I received many e-mails and I did
additional research, which revealed a lot. Many
Web sites and blogs picked up my article also, and there
was a lot of debate online and in e-mails.
Was it a hoax, a rumor, or the truth?
Here's the original article and an update below:
It's hard
to understand that it is 2006 and that our world's
awareness at times can seem enlightened and at other
times shockingly offensive and archaic.
I stumbled across
a casting notice for a Public Service Announcement for
Mothers Against Drunk Drivers Canada. This is what I read:
ethnicities but leaning towards Caucasian. Everyone must be
willing to kiss another guy passionately for about 10
seconds. Everyone will have to make out at the
callbacks. They should seem like very regular guys. They
should seem very hetero, so it is unexpected to see the guys
making out. BASIC SCENARIO: Three friends completely
stoned out of their minds sit in a car vegging out.
The two guys in the front seat begin making out.
"After a
few moments they pull away from each other, and one says:
'Wait a minute...we're not gay.'
A superimposed image comes up on the screen that says:
another superimposed image comes up on the screen:
DRIVE.' Then cut to the guy in the back seat who
says: 'Not that there's anything wrong
with that...and like, aren't you guys
brothers?' "
End of PSA.
So let me get
this straight, no pun intended: MADD has hired an ad agency
to come up with a cutting-edge new PSA to stop people from
drinking or doing drugs and driving. And,
coincidentally, making out with someone of the same
sex now infers that homosexuality is just as bad as being
drunk or high on drugs and being in a car driving? And
also that this leads to incest too?
There is so much
wrong in this description of the PSA that MADD is going
to film. I am trying to imagine that this was reworked
several times, and out of the meeting of the minds
this is the best PSA scenario everyone could come up
with? This PSA is supposedly going to air only in Canada.
I also wonder:
Does MADD think this is an effective PSA? If MADD does
think this is a brilliant idea and a great PSA against drunk
and drugged driving, then something has seriously
happened to this organization's thought
Would anyone
watching this PSA think, Oh, my God, I better not get
high on drugs or drunk anymore or I will become a
f****t, and that is far worse then getting high or
drunk and driving a car and possibly killing someone?
It never ceases
to amaze me that just when I think that we are moving
upwards, something happens that drags us all back down.
The PSA for MADD
was put out as a casting notice to a well-known
commercial casting director. The casting office put out the
casting notice to agents; agents submitted their
clients. Auditions were done along with callbacks. The
PSA was filmed and shot in Los Angeles.
Update to this article: I have received permission from
the people below to reprint their e-mails to me.
Here is an e-mail I received from a very
passionate talent agent, Ann McCright:
"I too was
shocked to see such a casting notice go out. I am a licensed
Talent Agent who also was involved in the grass roots of
starting MADD during the '80s.
"The world
can be assured this is not the message nor the issue why
MADD was started. My own reason was that my
17-year-old son was hit by a drunk driver in 1982,
resulting in a paralyzed right arm and many injuries that
required surgeries over the next 6 years. And August 22,
2004, his wife was killed on a beautiful Sunday
morning at 7 a.m. Leaving two 9-year-old beautiful
twin daughters for him to raise. Our relationship with drunk
drivers started 25 years ago and will affect this family the
rest of our lives. Before you start to feel sorry for
our family, let me assure you there are too many
CRASHES that are happening to the same family over and
over and over again (within the last 25 years).
That's where this message should be.
Unfortunately, the message of wrongful drinking and driving
has been obscured by this so-called PSA test (as per Ad
"MADD has
nothing to do with gays or straight guys wanting a job so
badly that they are willing to get on a commercial and
kiss. After all, it's only acting?!!! Right?
MADD has nothing to do with someone at an Ad Agency
making wrong choices. (Same thing a drunk does when making a
decision to drive drunk.) My Momma always reminded me that
two wrongs don't make a right. This is where we
"I have
messages from MADD Headquarters, which I immediately
contacted, and the answer from the Canadian Ad Agency.
But, it still doesn't ring true, because the
Casting Director did hold the casting and said the Ad
Agency changed it during the callbacks. We all want the
correct and truthful answer, even if it is for
different reasons.
"I always
will fight to keep MADD's pure message out in the
world: DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE--it kills
innocent people, it tears up families for life, the
drunk driver will go to jail for Second-Degree Murder (15 to
life). That is, if you don't kill yourself.
"If you
drink and drive--get immediate help--you are an
alcoholic. I've been around you for 25 years
and I finally get it. I'm tired of telling you
not to drink and drive--let's face
facts--you can't be trusted to make good
decisions. You are an alcoholic and need help. Stay off the
streets where my loved ones are!
"That is
the real PSA!
for listening, Ann McCright"
I called Ann McCright last week and she told me that in
her call to the casting office it was confirmed
that the commercial was cast and filmed and it was
a done deal. My research revealed the same information:
The PSA was real and cast and filmed in Los Angeles.
Here's an e-mail from Gene Dante from Boston, now
in New York City (genedante.com). Gene got this
e-mail from Sofia Melios at MADD on June 15:
"Thank you
for your support on this. MADD Canada has also written a
letter they will send to the editor. I also wanted you to
see this letter of apology from Saatchi & Saatchi,
the ad agency that came up with this idea as a way to
internally test what this idea would look like. They
say it was never meant for the public to view. It is pasted
Then came the
e-mail written to MADD Canada's CEO, Andy Murie, on
behalf of the ad agency, Saatchi Canada:
"On behalf
of Saatchi Canada I would like to apologize for the press
you received in The L.A. Independent. The facts
of the story were wrong. The spot was not being
created to go to air and you had no awareness of the
creation of this spot under the name MADD.
& Saatchi was working on their own in an attempt to test
areas that were more relevant to a younger target group. One
of the areas was the spot described in the article.
Sometimes it is better to see concepts shot in a rough
form in order to see if there is any merit in their
"When it
comes to advertising to a younger target, pushing the
boundaries is what we have to try to do, but it should
never be at the expense of an individual or any group.
"It is
unfortunate that news of this spot got out since the
likelihood of it advancing was improbable.
encourage our teams to always be thoughtful of all of our
clients in a proactive fashion. It is regrettable that
on this occasion our actions had a negative effect.
Again, I would like to stress how truly sorry we are
for that.
action has been terminated on this spot. Should you have any
comments or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me at
the above number.
"Sincerely, Brett Channer
CEO/Executive Creative Director"
So I had called
the CEO of the ad agency above, and he was not available
for a week, I was told. I guess he needed some time off from
this scandal. So I spoke to his assistant. She told me
that she did not want to speak on the record and that
she would speak off the record. I said that was fine.
But when I asked her simple questions, she responded,
"No comment." Which is really confusing
since she asked to speak off the record and I was not
going to print her responses.
I called the CEO
of MADD, and he was not available either. Maybe he is
taking a respite with the CEO of the ad agency as the
scandal grows. I got a call back from a PR person who,
when asked simple follow-up questions, responded:
"I will have to get back to you on that." I
then received a phone call telling me that the CEO of
Saatchi & Saatchi would be able to call me that
day. But after a week there were no calls from the CEO
and no calls back from the PR person either. I guess they
are all still trying to get their responses and story right.
I called SAG in
Los Angeles and in New York City, and they said they are
still doing research on this and would be getting back to
me. Didn't happen. Nor did the director who
filmed this PSA return my messages.
As many people
know, over the past two decades many TV and film
productions have moved from Los Angeles and other U.S.
locations to Canada since it's less expensive
to film there. If this was truly just a
"test" that an ad agency wanted to do, then
why would it not be simpler to film it with an
inexpensive mini-DV camera a block down the street in
Toronto? Why cast and film in Los Angeles?
And it's
really hard to believe that Saatchi & Saatchi would not
have to get any budgetary approval from their client
to cast and film a PSA in Los Angeles. An
award-winning, well-known commercial director from Los
Angeles was hired and filmed this so-called little ad agency
secret "test."
From my
viewpoint, this stinks all around. At any job it's
common knowledge that when your client gets hit with a
problem or scandal or something negative goes down,
the first thing you do is "take the hit"
for your client. In this example, the ad agency, Saatchi
& Saatchi, responded with an apology letter to
their client, MADD Canada, confirming that MADD knew
nothing about it. This would seem to be impossible, since
a lot of money was spent to hire the L.A. casting director,
the production company, and the director for the L.A.
shoot. With the kind of budget and money involved, it
would seem impossible to not have obtained budget
approval by Saatchi & Saatchi's client, MADD
Are we still
supposed to believe this was just a "test"?
Judge for