(Note: There are
serious risks to any hormone therapy. It should not be
undertaken in the absence of a knowledgeable doctor's
ongoing supervision.)
If you have male
gender identity and yet were born female-bodied, you may
determine that testosterone therapy can be helpful in
realizing your true physical self. Once on
testosterone, my female-to-male friends report the
same sense of well-being and harmony that my male-to-female
friends experience on estrogen therapy. But the
effects of the two hormones could not be more
For this column,
to supplement my own observations, I have relied on the
terrific book Becoming a Visible Man, written
by one of the most visible FTM activists, Jamison Green.
As an FTM, within
a few months of starting your testosterone therapy,
your voice will drop irreversibly. In time you will also
find hair growing in places where men normally have
hair, both on your body and your face. And you may
even find your hairline starting to recede. All of
these are welcome developments--well, except for maybe
the balding--that provide "gender
clues" helpful to the general public in perceiving
you as a male. You're off to a good start.
There are some
other effects of testosterone therapy that are less
visible to the public but just as welcome. Most noticeably,
your menstruation will stop. Menstruation served as an
annoying monthly reminder of the incongruity between
your body and your head, not to mention the incredible
hassle with all those tampons or pads. Testosterone
will also cause your body's pores to enlarge, and
that will make your skin feel appropriately rougher.
Your body fat will redistribute to the stomach and
away from the hips, so that symbolic beer gut can now
be more easily achieved (although that's not for
everyone, of course).
Some effects of
testosterone are not so welcome. One visible effect can
be acne, even in older trans men. If a doctor is overseeing
your hormone therapy, and hopefully that is the case,
she or he can help control your acne. More
significantly your LDL cholesterol level will likely
increase, which will be enough to require
cholesterol-reducing dietary habits, medication, or
medical supervision for some.
An effect that
seems to have surprised many of my FTM friends is the
increase in sex drive and enjoyment. It's not that
they hadn't expected or even desired the
change; it's just that it has been way more intense
than they even imagined. Personally, as one who has gone the
other direction, I'm delighted that sex is no
longer my number one priority each day. Of course, I
am wired "female," and so it is now very clear
how testosterone was tampering with my natural
inclinations. It's powerful stuff, believe me.
But testosterone
does nothing about your breasts, which probably clash
with your desired masculine appearance. Many FTMs bind their
breasts to hide them, but this doesn't help
when your friends invite you to the beach. Binding is
also terribly uncomfortable and can actually cause
injury over time. Therefore, some choose "top
surgery," a special kind of mastectomy where
your breast tissue is removed and your chest and nipples
are contoured to create a male appearance. Depending on the
procedure performed and your family history, you may
still need to have periodic screenings for breast
cancer. Unfortunately, many mammography labs, as well
as the patients in their waiting rooms, have a way to go
before they understand why you would want to be a
For some FTMs it
is important to have the nonvisible female reproductive
organs removed, both to feel most comfortable in their
bodies and out of concern that there has been little
research done on the impact of testosterone therapy on
those organs. This procedure can be a good idea if you
have a family history of disease in that area, and if, as a
man, you want to avoid the otherwise recommended
visits to a gynecologist.
Of course,
testosterone does nothing to give you male sex organs. This
is where choices get difficult for FTMs. There are two
surgical options, each with issues, and so
"bottom surgery" is rarely pursued. Neither
procedure is covered by insurance.
The more commonly
chosen option is called metoidioplasty. This procedure
involves releasing your clitoris, which has become enlarged
by testosterone. A scrotum can be formed by joining
your labia majora and using silicone testicular
implants. The result is a significantly
smaller-than-average penis, although it is sexually
sensitive and does get erect. Cost can run up to
The other option
is phalloplasty. In this procedure a flap of skin is
taken, usually from your forearm or thigh, and fashioned
into a penis that is attached above your clitoris. If
implants are not used to create erection, a stent may
be required to erect your shaft. The resulting penis
is a more average size but is less natural looking and may
not be sexually sensitive. The procedure is also
riskier and more expensive--up to $40,000, not
including the costs of revisions that are usually
In either
procedure, some doctors will perform a urethral extension
through your penis, although the techniques are not yet
perfected. The urethral extension will typically allow
you to stand at the men's room urinal.
As in the case of
MTFs, the laws are unfairly focused on surgery as the
defining moment that one switches gender. Many locales have
accepted top surgery as sex-reassignment surgery, but
some are now requiring more. This is a highly
problematic state of affairs when the additional
surgeries available for FTMs are expensive, are not covered
by insurance, can produce results that are
unacceptable, and can be risky. How sad, when
testosterone alone can produce the gender clues that society
reads as "male."