Our president
lies about WMDs in Iraq and launches an unjust and
unnecessary war. We are in debt beyond belief. Home prices
are plummeting. Government spending is out of control.
A woman's right to choose is under attack. Gays
are bashed regularly by members of Congress and the
President. Americans are dying as we speak. We've
lost the war in Afghanistan, Osama bin Laden has not
been captured, the Chinese basically own us, and
goodwill toward Americans is at an all-time low. There can
be no doubt there's lot to talk about and a lot
of upsetting events.
But what's
got the media on their heads?
Mark Foley: a pervert. a congressman, a Republican from
Florida who likes to hear about how 16-year-old boys
masturbate, a leader who used his own power to seduce
young pages and ex-pages. A man whose party covered up
his behavior by saying "bad dog, don't do it
again, bad." Now there's huge fallout,
and the Republicans have cut and run from Foley faster
than they say the Democrats want to do from Iraq and now.
The pathetic
justifications have begun.
Foley is
reportedly in rehab for alcoholism--a personal
problem that no one in his immediate world even
knew existed. Some have told reporters they don't even
believe Foley is an alcoholic. But off to rehab he
goes--you know, the place celebrities go when they want the
public to forgive them for this or that transgression,
or simply to hide out. Mel Gibson on an anti-Semitic
rage? Rehab. Kate Moss coke-head? Rehab. An
embarrassing car wreck in Washington, D.C., in the
middle of the night? Rehab. Betray the public trust
and try and seduce a child in your care? Rehab.
Oh, and the
latest excuses du jour is that he's gay and that
he was abused as a child by clergy. Come on, Foley,
it's 2006. Who hasn't been seduced by
this or that clergyperson? But oh, no--more reasons to
feel sorry for poor Mark. It's not his fault.
Say it with me:
First of all, I
wish he had not come out (like a coward, in
absentia via a lawyer's statement). Great, just what we
need: a pedophile who claims to be gay. Boy,
doesn't that feed into what America
thinks of us already, at least conservative America.
So now he's hurt one or more teenagers,
his party, his state, his family, and the gay
community. What a slimeball hypocrite, like most of
his Republican ilk in power.
Did I mention
that he chaired the House Caucus on Missing and
Exploited Children and was a cosponsor of the Adam Walsh
Child Protection Act? Can't wait for John Walsh
on CNN to explain away this.
First of all, the
moment a 50-something congressman sent an e-mail to a
16-year-old asking for a pic, a huge red flag
should have gone up. Did it? Nope. Dennis Hastert says he
didn't know how bad it was from just that
exchange. Well, then, Dennis, you're a blind
idiot whose eyes might not even have opened wide if the
e-mail had been sent to your grandson.
Hastert and other
Republicans that knew of Foley's inappropriate contact
with pages and ex-pages, and they didn't do the
right thing, the transparent thing. They didn't do
anything, really. They did not, for one
thing, inform key Democrats who also oversee the
page program. They did not bring the appropriate people into
the mix to solve the problem. Maybe they might
have told Foley to shape up and then covered
it up. And when the cover-up and scandal blew up, they
cut and ran, and now Foley blames alcohol, being gay, and
being molested; right-wing talk radio is blaming the
Democrats (a dodge so ludicrous it's not even worth
OK, here's
the deal. I had sex at age 16 with men double my age. I was
not molested, but it happened. And I'm gay. And up
until my 40th birthday, I could have drunk Foley under
the table. Now I have had sex with a 19-year-old. And
good for me--he was totally hot and legally of
age. But I turn my head the opposite way when passing by a
high school where the jocks are on the field. Who
needs that temptation? That being said, I have
never tried to seduce anyone under age 18 via
IM, text, e-mail, snail mail, in person or otherwise,
even with all the demons in my own past.
But the worst
part here is that Foley was in my House. He was in your
House too. He was in the people's House: Congress.
The children, the pages, were in the care of "We
the People. "And in our care these bastards let
Foley's behavior go on and looked the other way.
And to try and
justify this and blame your sexuality, your
childhood--I'll say here the same thing I said about
good ol' Jim McGreevey: I am so sick of people blaming
being gay for anything other than the fact they sleep
with the person of the same gender. Stop using your
sexuality to explain away why you're so screwed up.
You're so screwed up because you're a
mess to start with, not because you sleep with a
person of the same sex.
It's like
my old saying when referencing cocaine: They say it
intensifies the person. Pople who take it say it
really lets them be themselves to the fullest. Well,
what if you're an asshole to begin with? Now you're
just an intense asshole. Great.
From all reports,
Foley appears to be a pedophile, someone who wants
to have sex with minors, and that's just plain wrong in
America. If he wants to behave that way, he
should live in Amsterdam where the age of consent
is 14.
Want to know
whether a kid uses a towel when he jacks off? Want
to know if a girl has given him a hand job this
weekend? Read his blog. If it's not there, then
guess what? It's none of your business. In
fact, it's none of your business in any case.
It's age-old
scenario, really: the combination of an
authority abusing his power and of a compliant victim
who may have been afraid to just say no, or may
have thought he'd gain some advantage from playing
along. Older power figure, younger opportunist--you
do the math. And whatever gender combination is involved
doesn't matter.
I won't
even go in to the congressional page program. Why in the age
of electronic communications do we need teenage kids
in Congress to act as messengers? Why not train cocker
spaniels to run the halls? If I have a robot named
Roomba that can clean my entire floor and then find its way
back to its base, we can find Congressional robots to do the
job. These pages have always been bait for lecherous
old white men away from home with an inflated sense of
self-importance. It's happened before to male and
female pages. As long as the page program continues, it's
likely to happen again.
Go online and
watch Foley's goodbye speech to some pages from years
back--watch him well up with tears and your disgust
will flow. Why? Well, you'd cry too if all your
fresh meat was about to leave and become legal.
And what bothers
me the most is all the piety. For the past six
years, the Republicans have laid claim to be the only party
that can protect us from terror, and they promised to
do so while holding dear those family values that you
yourself hold dear. They have attempted to grab God as
their exclusive ally and champion, hinting or saying
outright that Democrats are godless heathens with no
values who want gay men to get married and adopt and
then molest your children, the party that wants women
to have the right to murder their unborn children, a party
that breeds the kind of tolerance that breeds sexual
Democrats, they
say--they are still saying on talk radio right
this minute--are the people who cover up sex scandals,
like the one involving Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky.
Never mind that both Clinton and Lewinsky were adults
at the time. Well, thank you, Mark Foley, for
proving what I've known for years: those who claim
they are better and more moral than most people usually
are those with the most skeletons in their
closets--oh, and then they come out of them.
I delight in all
of this, in the fall of a hypocrite. I don't for a
moment believe Foley was molested as a child by
clergy--certainly not in the victimized way he's
claiming. Why wait until now to reveal this? Truly,
with all the scandal about the Catholic Church, why not
rally to the defense of those who really were
molested by sharing your past? There's no shame
in having been molested, it's not a consensual
act. To hide it when you're in the public eye as a
champion of exploited children and then to reveal
it when you think it will shield you from
responsibility for your own attempts at
molesting--well, the hypocrisy stinks.
As for the gay
issue, I can't even address it. One more screwed-up
fag. Great. Thanks, Foley.
And this
"bombshell" is not new. The Advocate
has been reporting on Foley's sexuality for years, outing
him in 1996 when he supported the Defense of Marriage
Act (a time when his fellow Republican, Jim Kolbe,
opted to come out and put his hypocrisy behind him)
and opening his closet door again in 2003 when he had the
audacity to call a press conference to condemn fully
accurate (but, we now know, incomplete) reports about
his sexuality. But no one wanted to listen. Except for
a few brave Florida outlets, the mainstream press censored
the story.
Just like in the
Republican leadership in Congress, no one wanted to
listen to the simple truth, because it might hurt poor Rep.
Foley, a powerful man in Washington. He might get mad,
as he did at that press conference. Foley did,
however, abandon his 2003 run for U.S. Senate after
the media brought up the 1996 Advocate
story. Years ago Foley knew what might come tumbling
out of his closet if it were shaken hard enough.)
What I want to
know is, who is supplying these IM's? Barring
cooperation from Internet service providers combing
through their servers in probable violation of privacy
laws, we all know the only way to get IM
transcripts is if one of participants saved them on
either end. So did Foley save them as fodder for his
late-night spankings, or did the pages save them--out
of what, disgust? A sense of opportunity? Future
ammunition for job security? No, I suspect these
transcripts were kept for one reason and one
reason only, and that reason is scandal--and
here it is.
The Republicans
have hurt the LGBT community for years. Now another
Republican has done us a disservice by trying to join our
ranks. Well, we don't want you. Go back in the
closet. And now they blame the Democrats for the
timing of this scandal. Republicans can't take
responsibility for anything. Foley's not
responsible; some unnamed priest from some unnamed
church at some unknown time did some unknown act, an
act that has never been spoken of until now. Alcohol is
to blame. Hastert blames Foley, other Republicans blame
Hastert, the right-wing nuts blame the Democrats. Huh?
Here's who is to
blame: Foley, now gone; Hastert, who should go. In
fact, they all should go, everyone who had any
whiff of Foley's lust for teens. It appears the Republican
party is full of liars, warmongers, pedophiles, and
shameless opportunists, many of whom hide
behind their Bibles and their piety. Well, take that.
And that. And that. Your days are numbered. The emperor has
no clothes, and his knights are trying to get the
clothes off the young pages.
Ick. It makes me
want to take a shower.
We are five weeks
away from an election, and there are so many real
issues to deal with. If any good can come from this, let's
hope it will open some eyes. Let's hope that
voters will realize that these people are not any
better or more righteous or more concerned than anyone
else. In fact, they are just the opposite. If you can't be
upset about 2,700-plus American deaths in a hellhole
in the Middle East, maybe you can wrap your little
heads around the fact that a member of the House
wanted to wrap his body parts around the body parts of
his page--and asked the teenager for specific size
information as foreplay.
There are three
things Foley is not, as far as I can tell: He is not a
victim, he is not an addict, and he's not gay.
He's a sick, power-crazed idiot completely
removed from reality who operated inside an insulated
bubble where he felt safe from harm, and his friends on the
Hill helped him feel that way. Instead of rehab he
should be in a jail cell with all those guys who were
instant-messaging fake teenagers invented by
Dateline. Yep, those guys are wrestled to the
ground on camera and dragged off to jail. Most of them are
labeled as sex offenders for the rest of their
lives--and not even for instant-messaging real
teenagers. Yep, they're in jail, where you or I would be if
either of us were guilty. Foley, who instant-messaged
a real teenager, is in rehab--and looking
forward to a fat Congressional pension for the rest of
his life.
Foley' s blaming
alcohol for this gives alcoholics a bad name, just as
his claiming to be gay gives us gays a bad name as
well. He's looking for any excuse, every day a
new one. Well, stop. There isn't an excuse.
You're a creep. Live with it. Find a bridge and start
living under it, you lecherous old troll. But get out
of our House, the people's House, and stay out.
And all those who knew about his behavior, do the
Viral post saying Republicans 'have two daddies now' has MAGA hot and bothered