One of the
endlessly fun and funny by-products of the ever-shifting
world of LGBT gender identity and politics is
language, and in the last several years (in the last
several weeks, even!) I've come across so many
interesting, provocative, and hilarious terms that I feel
the need to share them. The terms butch, femme,
genderqueer, androgynous, etc., are simply not enough.
New terms seem to be born every day. Read on...
Apparently, there
is a phenomenon that originated in San Francisco in
which butch-identified women are wearing dresses. They call
themselves futches. Similarly, I have heard lipstick
butch. When she heard these two words uttered
together, the self-described high femme sitting next to me
contorted her face in disgust at the very idea. Let us not
forget, discrimination comes in many forms. In a land
of bois and shims, there's a lot to be
discussed and a lot of sensitive topics.
Are these people
who choose to live in between traditional male and
female identities being gender-revolutionary or simply
trandy? Bring that one up in a room full of lesbians
and trans guys and watch some people get their manties
in a bunch.
gotten much mileage out of the terms manties and
manderwear--silly terms for men's
underwear in a community where lots of people are wearing
them. I can't take credit for those terms, but I
recently came up with this one: tranderwear. Which is,
of course, what trans guys wear. Who am I
kidding--I'm sure someone's thought of
that. Trans guy friends of mine in New York got sick
of the term tranny chaser--they felt it was insulting
to the chaser and had a negative connotation all around, so
they came up with transamorous, which is not only
sweet-sounding, it sounds like Trans Am, which is
inherently cool.
A heterosexual
friend recently bemoaned the fact that he was what he
calls hag bait--a man who attracts the roughest,
scraggliest women. Vaguely offended, I looked around
his apartment at his throw pillows and West Elm
catalogs and said, "No, honey, you're actually
fag bait. A gay man would just assume you were playing
for our team if he walked into this place."
Perhaps what he
needs is a woman who will put him in what one friend has
dubbed a lesbian straight couple. You see them on vacations
a lot--a man and a woman dressed similarly and
practically, communicating well and often, with the
leader of the pack clearly being the woman. These men
aren't henpecked or pussy-whipped (those old-school,
oh-so-painful terms), they are simply on an actual
team with the woman in their life, which is very
I promise I
didn't make up any of these personally, but I
encourage everyone to search to find the word or
phrase that describes you or a phenomenon you see in
our community. Ever-shifting lexicon and lingo keeps
us alive and communicating--and, hopefully, laughing.