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Should Joe Biden step aside after Thursday's debate? Vote in our poll

Joe Biden
Win McNamee/Getty Images via CNN Newsource
Joe Biden

The president's debate performance has many Democratic insiders panicking. What do you think?

Thursday night’s first presidential debate has many Democrats concerned over the fitness of President Joe Biden.

The president’s voice was hoarse and he had some difficulty finishing his answers. He’s been suffering from a cold. While his answers contained references to legislation, policy, and data, former President Donald Trump — who is 78 — told lie after lie about his and Biden’s political records.While there have been concerns voiced before over the 81-year-old, the debate has seemed to draw those concerns into the spotlight.

Several media outlets have been reporting that Democratic insiders are now panicking, wondering if they should pursue another candidate to replace Biden this November.

Related: Kamala Harris on debate: Biden fights for American people, Trump fights for himself

Do you think Joe Biden should be replaced as the Democratic Party’s presidential candidate? Vote in our poll below.

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