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Log Cabin Republicans president bizarrely defends Donald Trump's anti-LGBTQ+ record

Log Cabin Republicans Logo and Donald Trump
Facebook @LogCabinRepublicans; Shutterstock

The Log Cabin Republicans are standing by their man.

As Democrats court LGBTQ+ voters during Pride Month, Republicans are staying silent or actively turning them away.

This hasn't stopped the Log Cabin Republicans from enthusiastically throwing support behind Donald Trump, despite his storied record of anti-LGBTQ+ policies. To the contrary, the LGBTQ+ GOP group is flat out denying the former president's history of harmful actions against the queer community.

Charles Moran, president of the Log Cabin Republicans, recently claimed that "under Donald Trump, your life was better, and it doesn’t matter what your skin color was, or your gender or your sexual identity.”

“The economy and malaise Joe Biden and Democrats have brought are affecting gay families as bad as Latino families, as Asian families, as everybody else in this country," he said in a statement via NewsNation. "So it’s not like we have to have this policy portfolio that we have to present to these different communities. ... He has that track record of having been a philanthropist and a businessman and then as a politician, and all of those things have been congruent around his inclusion of LGBT people."

Moran's claims omitted Trump's actual actions surrounding LGBTQ+ rights, which included barring out transgender people from serving in the military, reversing nondiscrimination policies from the Obama Administration, and banning Pride flags at U.S. embassies.

If reelected, Trump has vowed to specifically target transgender people, including criminalizing gender-affirming health care for youth, barring transgender athletes from playing on school sports teams, and reversing nondiscrimination policies protecting trans students. He has also promised to enact a national law declaring there are only two genders, contrary to the scientific consensus.

Meanwhile, President Joe Biden's first term included signing the Respect For Marriage Act, which solidified marriage equality into law. His campaign has launched a number of LGBTQ+ initiatives, including hosting several events for Pride Month, which Trump has not yet acknowledged this year.

The president is planning host a Pride Month celebration on the South Lawn of the White House on June 26, before traveling to New York City to attend an LGBTQ+ fundraiser on June 28. Vice President Kamala Harris also recently hosted a Pride Month reception to commemorate the eighth anniversary Pulse Massacre, vowing in her speech to continue protecting LGBTQ+ rights.

“Our fight is not against something but for something,” Harris said. “For the freedom to be who you are, for the right to love who you love, and for the ability to live without fear. Together, we will continue to push forward and ensure that joy and pride prevail.”

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Ryan Adamczeski

Ryan is a staff writer at The Advocate, and a graduate of New York University Tisch's Department of Dramatic Writing, with a focus in television writing and comedy. She first became a published author at the age of 15 with her YA novel "Someone Else's Stars," and is now a member of GALECA, the LGBTQ+ society of entertainment critics. In her free time, Ryan likes watching New York Rangers hockey, listening to the Beach Boys, and practicing witchcraft.
Ryan is a staff writer at The Advocate, and a graduate of New York University Tisch's Department of Dramatic Writing, with a focus in television writing and comedy. She first became a published author at the age of 15 with her YA novel "Someone Else's Stars," and is now a member of GALECA, the LGBTQ+ society of entertainment critics. In her free time, Ryan likes watching New York Rangers hockey, listening to the Beach Boys, and practicing witchcraft.