Today the antigay National Organization for Marriage released a video of Kirk Cameron speaking against LGBT families and heralding him as a "champion of marriage," according to GLAAD. Just a few months ago NOM's uncovered court documents revealed that the group was looking for "non-cognitive elites" to be celebrity spokespeople for their anti-LGBT cause? Well, says GLAAD, they finally got one.
"Kirk Cameron and the anti-gay activists at NOM are making a claim that Americans know to be false," said GLAAD president Herndon Graddick. "This rhetoric won't work anymore. Communities across this country love and cherish their LGBT neighbors, friends and family members. This includes people in families headed by LGBT people. Their implication that LGBT couples can't create loving and stable homes is not only outdated and irrelevant; it's designed specifically to hurt those families."
Who knows how many other "non-cognitives" were in the running for the post now filled by the former Growing Pains star but, says Graddick, Cameron has now aligned himself with an organization whose spokesperson and former president Maggie Gallagher believes polygamy is better than marriage equality: "At least polygamy, for all its ugly defects, is an attempt to secure stable mother-father families for children."
Read GLAAD's blog about Cameron's new post here.