Guess why the weather has been so bad in the United Kingdom?
"The scriptures make it abundantly clear," says British lawmaker David Silvester in a letter to the local newspaper, "that a Christian nation that abandons its faith and acts contrary to the Gospel (and in naked breach of a coronation oath) will be beset by natural disasters such as storms, disease, pestilence and war."
Prime Minister David Cameron led passage of marriage equality there last year, and The Guardian notes that Silvester quit the Tory party over it. Now Silvester writes in the Henley Standard that, "It is his fault that large swaths of the nation have been afflicted by storms and floods."
The letter goes on, and on, against Cameron and his support for same-sex marriage. At one point, he says Cameron only "sheds crocodile tears on behalf of destitute flooded homeowners."
"He has arrogantly acted against the Gospel that once made Britain 'great' and the lesson surely to be learned is that no man or men, however powerful, can mess with Almighty God with impunity and get away with it for everything a nation does is weighed on the scaled of divine approval or disapproval," writes Silvester.
Meanwhile, his former party doesn't seem sad to see him go, with a Tory member of Parliament also from Henley telling The Guardian that the letter is "not the sort of thing that he should have written in today's age."