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Today's the day. Today, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in fourcases expected to decide the constitutionality of same-sex marriage throughout the United States.
The battle for marriage equality is being hailed as the civil rights issue of the age. It's a story of remarkable progress, of unprecedented social change. In 2008, when Proposition 8 brought same-sex marriage to an end in California, only 36 percent of Americans supported extending marriage rights to gay couples. Today more than 61 percent believe in marriage equality, and scores of them have gathered outside the Supreme Court building to show their support.
We've rounded up some of our favorite banners and posters below:
As expected, there were also a lot of antigay bigots outside the Supreme Court building, and inside -- one man had to be ejected from the courtroom itself for screaming "homosexuality is an abomination!" But pro-equality supporters fought back against the hate with love: