Leave it to right-wing Fox News talking head Laura Ingraham to host the vice president of the anti-LGBTQ group Alliance Defending Freedom and present him and his organization as victims.
The impetus for the Friday interview was an electronic billboard recently beamed into Times Square that read, "No Gays Allowed. STOP Alliance Defending Freedom. Learn more at NoGays.org."
The people behind NoGays.org were trying to bring attention to ADF, which has bankrolled multiple lawsuits that attempt to undermine marriage equality, promote religious discrimination against LGBTQ people, and even defend laws that call for the sterilization of transgender people. ADF's most recent victory was the Colorado Cakeshop case, where the Supreme Court allowed a baker to refuse service to a same-sex couple.
(RELATED: Meet the Hate Group Using Cake to Push Gay Discrimination, Trans Sterilization)
The Southern Poverty Law Center named ADF a "hate group," which both Ingraham and ADF VP Jeremy Tedesco bristled at in the interview. Tedesco claimed his group only promotes First Amendment rights and would even take the cases of gay plaintiffs (sure). Watch the outrageous interview below.