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The Resistance

The Advocate is keeping tabs on the resistance to Donald Trump's anti-equality agenda as president of the United States.

Handmaid's Tale Protesters Silently Resist Brett Kavanaugh for SCOTUS

Donald Trump's Supreme Court pick Kavanaugh poses a threat to women's reproductive rights if confirmed, and women dressed as handmaids are fighting it. 

The Emmys Sent a Big, Queer, Feminist Message to Trump

While the Trump administration attacks marginalized communities, the Television Academy is uplifting their stories.

Rosie O'Donnell Is Selling Her Anti-Trump Art for a Cause

O'Donnell is channeling her "sadness, rage, [and] disappointment" with Trump into an ongoing art project that raises money for good causes. 

Alyssa Milano: Forget Trump's SOTU; Share the #StateOfTheDream Instead

The actress and #MeToo activist is counterprogramming the president's message of fear and hate -- and contemplating a run for office.

10 Times Trump's Administration Said 'Let Them Eat Cake,' Ranked

Pinnacles of presidential prudence.

'This Week in the Resistance': Standing Up Against Harassment

This week, victims of harassment took a stand against abuse and sexism.

Embattled Women's March Leaders Address Jewish/LGBTQ Women

Organizers of the national Women's March, Carmen Perez and Tamika Mallory, addressed accusations of supporting anti-Semitic and anti-LGBTQ rhetoric. 

Thousands of Counter-Protesters Drown Out White Nationalists in D.C.

Love won out on anniversary of the deadly Charlottesville, Va. Unite the Right rally when thousands showed up in D.C. to drown out the haters. 

I Finally Found My American Dream in the Power of My Community

The stereotypical image of the American Dream as a white, heterosexual couple with the kids, the dog, and the picket fence was lost on this little gay girl growing up in the '70s. 

The Women of Gilead Rise Up in The Handmaid's Tale's Second Season

Samira Wiley and Alexis Bledel speak with The Advocate about solidarity, sisterhood, and taking on the patriarchy. 

Doug Jones's Gay Son Wore a Rainbow Flower Pin for Mike Pence to See

Carson Jones shared in his Instagram story that he wore a rainbow pin during his dad's swearing in with the VP. 

Top 5 Acts of Resistance: #MeToo

#MeToo gives those who have suffered harassment and abuse a way to share their stories.

Harvard Students Greet Betsy DeVos as 'White Supremacist'

The Education Secretary faced a mostly silent protest when she tried to push "school choice" at Harvard.

Michelle Obama Blasts Trump Bigotry in New Book

The former First Lady said Trump was cruel and dangerous when it came to Obama's husband, her children, and Hillary Clinton.

Actress Piper Perabo Arrested for Protesting at Kavanaugh Hearing

The star of the lesbian-themed films Imagine Me & You and Lost and Delirious tweeted that she was arrested with organizers of the national Women's March. 

Trump Baby Blimp to Fly in U.S.

The infamous balloon is coming to New Jersey.

Trump Clings to Traditional Gender Roles in Mocking Long-Haired Male Protester

Donald Trump essentially called a male protester in a man bun "a mama's boy" while feminizing him and criticizing his hairstyle. 

'I Am Gay' Goes Viral After Chinese Site Weibo Censors LGBT Content

The website's decision to remove gay content is viewed as part of a larger move under President Xi Jinping and the Communist Party to stifle ideas. 

Dan Savage Raises More Than $200K for Planned Parenthood, ACLU

ITMFA -- "Impeach the Motherf*cker Already" -- is an act of resistance against the Trump administration that includes charity and merchandise. 

7 Ways To Resist This Week

Join The Resistance, rock around the Christmas tree with drag queens, and more.