Homophobe Scott Lively Makes Shaky Claim of Win in Uganda Suit
The anti-LGBTQ minister's claim comes in a case brought against him for spreading hate in the African nation.
AUGUST 16 2018 8:33 AM
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The anti-LGBTQ minister's claim comes in a case brought against him for spreading hate in the African nation.
The extremist's export of hate to Uganda has cost him a lot of money — and may bankrupt his ministry.
The antigay minister has submitted enough valid petition signatures to get him on the ballot as an independent.
The decision shows Ugandans are not his 'puppets,' says the antigay minister, who is being sued for spreading homophobia in the nation.
Scott Lively attributes the invasion of Ukraine somehow to Russia's conflicts with the U.S. and European Union over LGBT rights.
Friday the 13th is upon us, in 2013. Let's review the year's 13 biggest homophobes with The Advocate's annual Phobie Awards.
It's the latest of the anti-LGBTQ+ minister's many preposterous claims.
Yes, he went there -- but he's wrong.
Mike Huckabee and Rand Paul, both potential Republican presidential candidates, join the likes of Scott Lively in a new doc on the gay movement's 'persecution' of Christians.
These are the scariest homophobes we could come up with for a pre-Halloween election preview.
Fringe pastor Scott Lively claims a revolution is at hand to fight the gay agenda.
Scott Lively and Peter LaBarbera today introduced the new group, aimed at countering 'the LGBT agenda and its destructive influence,' and attracted some hecklers.
The antigay American evangelical claims that Russia's violent crackdown on LGBT people is actually 'gay-on-gay' violence.
Some of Trump's most fervent supporters feel betrayed by the move, although they're reluctant to blame him specifically.
Former ambassador Rufus Gifford (left) lost his primary, but at least Scott Lively (right) will not be the GOP nominee for governor.
Some are starting to admit his conduct is questionable. Also: Alex Jones makes an apology, and Scott Lively seeks an anti-LGBT alliance with Muslims.
Lively says he wants to influence U.S. policy toward Russia, which he lauds for 'standing up against the homosexual agenda.'
Homophobe Scott Lively is featured prominently in a twisted 'documentary' produced by Arkady Mamontov, the antigay Russian TV host who thinks gays can rain meteorites down on earth.
On Wednesday, Christian rock star Vicky Beeching came out as a lesbian. On Thursday, she went toe-to-toe with internationally infamous homophobe Scott Lively.
Rachel Maddow calls the Obama administration's plan to send American experts to Uganda a new kind of experiment in 'real science and real diplomacy.'