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Sexy Beast

24 Tips for Giving Amazing Head

Gay sex columnist Alex Cheves offers advice for better oral intercourse.

Alternative Orgasms: 20 New Ways to Hit the Spot

From "eargasms" to "eyegasms," it's time to think outside the box.

Tanya Saracho Talks About Vida's Steamy Queer Sex Scenes

The creator of Vida discusses crafting the TV show's signature sex scenes on this week's LGBTQ&A podcast. 

20 Ways to Tickle Your Partner

A beginner's guide to the sex play of tickling.

17 Safety Tips for Size Queens

Take these precautions before dealing with the well-endowed.

26 Things Gay Sex Workers Want You to Know

Alexander Cheves has a few tips for those seeking services.

21 Rimming Tips Everyone Should Know

Gay sex writer Alex Cheves offers advice for those who love playing in the backyard.

Davey Wavey Talks the Good, the Bad, and the Future of Porn

Davey Wavey talks about what the future of gay porn's going to look like. 

25 Scary Hookups That Can Haunt Gay Men

Sex can be scary, particularly if it happens in one of these horrifying scenarios.

16 Things I Learned From Having Sex With Trans Men

Sex is about a lot more than body parts, says gay sex columnist Alex Cheves.

17 DOs and DON'Ts of Open Relationships

Every relationship has its own rules — but here are a few open guidelines.

Gay Flirting Guide: 26 Ways to Master a Lost Art

Put down the smartphone and learn a lesson in making real-world love connections.

11 Reasons Every Straight Man Should Try Bottoming

You don't need to be gay to enjoy the physical and emotional rewards of anal sex.

21 Tips for Opening Up Your Relationship

Some are finding that monogamy doesn't work post-pandemic. Here's help on taking your relationship or marriage to another level.

The Advocate's Queer Sex Columnist Lands Book Deal on 'Sluthood'

Alexander Cheves discusses how his forthcoming Love, Beastly: Essays on Sluthood will tackle stigma and shame. 

Margaret Cho on BDSM, 'Polyamory-Fatigue,' Wanting To Die Alone

The bisexual comedian explains why she plans on being single for the rest of her life. 

12 Post-Tumblr Spaces for Sex-Positive Queer Men

Support these digital sanctuaries for sex-positivity in the midst of a queer crackdown.

27 Dos and Don'ts for Folsom Street Fair

Before entering fetish heaven, know the ground rules.