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Stephen Colbert

CBS Executive on Leave After Calling Stephen Colbert, Hugh Jackman Gay

After the dismissal of CEO Les Moonves, a second CBS executive has been accused of homophobia and misogyny.

Stephen Colbert Re-Creates Jeff Sessions's Speech to Anti-LGBT Group

Using an elf-shaped cookie to stand in for Sessions, Colbert speculates hilariously on what the attorney general might have said.

Trump Appoints EPA's Top Enemy to Head Agency, and Comedy Writes Itself

We have to laugh at Donald Trump's recently announced appointments now, because we'll likely be crying for four years.

Bernie Sanders Tells Stephen Colbert He's Still Optimistic

"You're not going to split us up by attacking our Muslim friends, our gay friends, or women," Sanders says to Trump and his minions.

Stephen Colbert Takes on Donald Trump's Very, Very Bad Week

Trump initially refused to support fellow Republicans, creating animostiy within his party, but he thinks things are going just fine. 

Stephen Colbert and John Oliver Crash Hillary Clinton's "Fight Song"

As if sneaking onto the stage at the Democratic National Convention weren't enough, Stephen Colbert sneaks in to Clinton's promotional video.

Pete Buttigieg Slams Speaker Mike Johnson's Homophobic Views

"Our family deserves to be protected," Pete Buttigieg said. "It deserves to be supported just like every American family."

Murphy Brown Star Jokes About Being Gay and Indian on Stephen Colbert

Actor Nik Dodani tackled coming out, cultural appropriation, and STI testing on the late-night show.

Is the Internet Overreacting to Stephen Colbert's FCC Investigation?

Some are outraged the Federal Communications Commission is looking into the late-night host's "homophobic" joke. Others say the agency is just doing its job.

It's Trump Supporters Who Are Calling Stephen Colbert Homophobic

LGBT people, for the most part, are not upset by his oral sex joke about Trump and Putin -- they have other things to worry about.

Of Course Stephen Colbert Has a Joke About Mike Pence on His Knees (Video)

The Mike Pence line from the debate that Twitter was snickering about gets the late-night treatment.

This Just In: Devil Is Flattered to Be Compared With Hillary Clinton

Why wouldn't the devil be happy to be compared with a groundbreaking woman? 

OMG -- Stephen Colbert Made It to the Podium Again!

Reprising his role, this time at the Democratic National Convention, Colbert, with his weasel, broke through to the podium. 

Pete Buttigieg Talks 2024 Speculation on 'Tooning Out the News'

In a clip airing Tuesday on Stephen Colbert's show, an animated interviewer tells Buttigieg it's impossible to find "a young, vibrant, gay transformative political figure." 

Dolly Parton Brings Stressed-Out Stephen Colbert to Tears With Song

"Like a lot of Americans, I'm under a lot of stress right now Dolly."

Jodie Foster Reprises Clarice Starling to Help Mueller Investigate Trump

Foster played her iconic role opposite Stephen Colbert's scarily good Hannibal Lecter. And she elaborated on election night 2016's "screaming of the lambs" moment.

Stephen Colbert Regrets Word Choice, Not Denouncing Trump

Addressing a controversy over his oral sex joke about Trump and Putin, Colbert said his words were "cruder" than needed.

Stephen Colbert 'Interviews' Trump on Russian Hacking (and Dressing)

In a mock interview, Colbert gets Donald Trump to open up about all he loves about Russia.

The Resistance Fighters Who Will Stand Up to the Deplorables

Here are some elected officials, commentators, and others who will have our backs during the Trump administration.

A Song for When Donald Trump Cheats Singing Children of Money

Donald Trump didn't pay his USA Freedom Kids, and the USA Freedom Grownups have something to say about it.