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60 minutes

Watch Moms for Liberty’s co-founders look like fools trying to explain their failed book ban movement

In a revealing interview, the conservative group’s tactics and recent school board election losses highlight the ongoing debate over educational content and LGBTQ+ rights.

'60 Minutes' Story Focuses on Transition Regret, Gets Slammed

A controversial segment gave credence to those who question trans identity.

Parkland Survivors Present Unified Front in Stirring '60 Minutes' Sit-Down

Five high-profile students, including bisexual Emma Gonzalez, appeared on 60 Minutes to discuss their mission to change America.

Anderson Cooper Heckled, Followed in CNN Lobby, Prompting F Bombs

A unidentified man accused the out journalist of not disclosing information in a 60 Minutes report.

Anderson Coopers Talk Show Gets the Axe

The CNN and 60 Minutes newsman started the show while in the closet but ends it as an out gay man.

Stormy Daniels Teases Further Trump Drama to Anderson Cooper

The much-anticipated interview between the adult film actress and the out 60 Minutes journalist finally occurred on Sunday night.

No, Steve Bannon, People Did Care That Trump Bragged of Sexual Assault

In an interview with 60 Minutes, Bannon says ordinary Americans didn't care that Trump claimed to grab women and get away with it. We beg to differ.

Meredith Vieira Admits There Was Sexism at '60 Minutes'

The journalist admitted she was in a boy's club when she worked at the storied news magazine.

Gay Teen Science Prodigy Jack Andraka Profiled by 60 Minutes

The news program showcased the gay teen's brilliance but avoided any mention of his sexuality.

On Moms for Liberty, '60 Minutes' and Scott Pelley focus on a threesome rather than the harm the group causes

Pelley neglected to mention that a racist compared Moms for Liberty favorably to Nazis and the Southern Poverty Law Center labeled the organization an anti-government extremist entity.

NY Archbishop Compares Marriage Equality to Incest

The comparison was made during a national 60 Minutes interview.

Randy Rainbow's Marjorie Taylor Greene is 'lousy with stupidity'

Rainbow mashes up 60 Minutes and Grease to lampoon the outrageous far-right congresswoman.

Liz Cheney's Marriage Equality Support Isn't Big, But This Part Is

In a 60 Minutes interview, the lawmaker said she was wrong to be against marriage equality and argued for more work to be done against the discrimination of LGBTQ+ people.

The Gay Alcoholic In Charge of US Drug Policy

The new director of the nation's drug control policy tells 60 Minutes we could learn a lot about destigmatizing addiction from the LGBT movement.

Tim Cook Gets Intimate During 60 Minutes Interview

The main discussion was on Apple's business practices but the CEO also talked about being a gay role model.

'60 Minutes' Adds to Medical Disinformation About Trans Bodies

The venerable newsmagazine show chose to amplify anti-trans voices rather than point out the damage done by denial of trans-affirming health care.

Shame on Lesley Stahl, ‘60 Minutes’ for Promoting Marjorie Taylor Greene

A serious news show sinks to the bottom, an out editor sinks to DeSantis, and a network sinks to trans disinformation, and why isn't someone speaking out?

Trump Is Lying About Marriage Equality

Don't be fooled by the president-elect's 60 Minutes interview.

Donald Trump Drinks With Lincoln and Roosevelt in White House Portrait

The bizarre artwork was discovered during Trump's 60 Minutes interview.

WATCH: Putin 'Definitely' Condemns Antigay Laws

Putin claims 'we have no persecution at all' of gay people in an interview with 60 Minutes.

Kate McKinnon's Betsy DeVos Portrayal Is Too Accurate

The education secretary smiles her way through a self-evaluation of what went wrong on 60 Minutes.