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african human rights coalition

WorldPride organizers urge global unity amid calls to boycott U.S. LGBTQ+ celebration

"I want you to know that we are working tirelessly with agencies and advocates to ensure that you are able to safely and securely travel to and from the U.S.,” Capital Pride executive director Ryan Bos said

Empowering black lesbians

Conference attendees came from across the country to celebrate and embrace "sistahood" as well as a common bond of culture and same-sex attraction.

Uganda's Politicians Double Down as World Outrage Spreads

As the world waits for President Yoweri Museveni to sign the hateful Anti-Homosexuality Bill into law, activists in Uganda and around the world are mobilizing.

Building Bridges in the Wake of Prop. 8

In the wake of finger-pointing following California's passing of Prop. 8, television writer and producer Tajamika Paxton suggests the time has come to build a bridge between the LGBT and African-American communities -- to engage in discussion rather than looking for somewhere to place blame.

Trump Gives Haters a Prominent Spot at the United Nations

Our flailing president has given a huge platform to rabid homophobe and misogynist Austin Ruse.

From Taiwan to Botswana, LGBTQ Equality Made Huge Progress in 2019

Many Americans think this year was all about losses, but gains were actually won around the globe.

Maryland Officially Becomes Gay-Marry-Land

The heavily Democratic state was among the first to affirm marriage equality at the ballot box, with voters upholding the state's same-sex marriage law.


Gay rights leader not allowed to speak at Millions More event

After being promised he'd be allowed to address the massive crowd at Saturday's Millions More March in Washington, D.C., gay activist Keith Boykin was turned away before he could utter a word.

Ugandans call for deportation of American journalist covering gay issue

Hundreds of people held an antigay protest in Uganda's capital Tuesday and called for the deportation of an American journalist who covers gay issues in the east African nation.

Ugandans Challenge 'Jail the Gays' Law in Court

Uganda's Anti-Homosexuality Act just received its first constitutional challenge, while activists also filed a separate suit hoping to put a stop to the now-common practice of tabloids outing Ugandans suspected of being LGBT.


U.S. Suspends Health Aid to Uganda Over 'Jail the Gays' Law

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control announced a suspension of some of its annual $3.9 million in health care aid usually given to the East African country.