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anti muslim rhetoric

Who is Laura Loomer, the MAGA Republican too racist even for Marjorie Taylor Greene?

The right-wing extremist is exerting her influence on Donald Trump and the MAGA base.

Trump's Anti-Muslim Rhetoric Reflects in Town Hall Audience

The candidate was asked an offensive question during a town hall and gave a typical answer.

How One Queer Muslim Activist Combats Islamophobia After Orlando

Mirna Haidar would like to help LGBT people heal after Orlando. Instead, she says, Islamophobia is keeping her and fellow LGBT Muslims busy. 

Gary Johnson: If Donald Trump's Comments Are Racist, So Is He

The libertarian says racist comments are "reflective" of the candidate.

Queer & Muslim in Trump’s America

Activist Urooj Arshad says being LGBTQ and Muslim are far from mutually exclusive.

LGBT Christians Kicked Out of Right-Wing Conference

A pro-LGBT demonstration during Rick Warren's speech at the National Religious Broadcasters' annual conference left attendees stunned. 

North Carolina 'Bathroom Bill' Sponsor Backed by Far-Right LGBTQ Group

Deplorable Pride, with a history of anti-Muslim statements and ties to Proud Boys, has endorsed Dan Bishop, running in a special congressional election today.

How Pulse Forged a Lasting Partnership Between Muslims and LGBTs

Trump tried to pit LGBT people against an entire religion. We refused to take the bait.

Proud Boys Sentenced in Antigay NYC Attack

Members of the far-right group reportedly used homophobic slurs in a brawl with people who were protesting a speech by Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes, a noted transphobe.

Proud Boys Storm Drag Queen Story Hour, Hate Crime Probe Launched

The men reportedly called the drag queen host "tranny" and a "pedophile" at the California event attended by families and community members. 

Hillary Clinton Lays Out Her Vision, Blasts Donald Trump's

The line of the night: “A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons.”

Democratic Debate: Stark Differences with GOP

'On our worst day, I think we have a lot more to offer the American people than the right wing's extremists,' says Bernie Sanders.

Confident Obama Offers Alternative to Republicans

In his last State of the Union, the president promised to shake up the usual speechmaking.


In North Carolina, Struggle Against HB 2 Continues

Activists rallied Wednesday for repeal, while the Charlotte public schools make a trans-inclusive move.


Trump's Cabinet Minister Blames LGBTQ People for COVID-19

LGBTQ people and environmentalism have brought God's wrath on America, says the man who leads weekly Bible studies for Cabinet members.

The Plan to Combat Global Homophobia, From Peru to Nigeria

The Human Rights Campaign's Global Innovative Advocacy Summit is bringing together world leaders to strategize a global response to hate. 

Reading the Right Wing: Mourning for North Carolina's HB 2

"Real men" wouldn't have repealed the anti-LGBT law, says one commentator. Also: railing against immigrants and gay service members.

DEM DEBATE: Some Clinton-Sanders Clashes, But Agreement on Much

There's some contention about health care plans and Wall Street regulation.

Queer Undocumented Student Helped Chicago Dump Trump

Student, faculty, and community organizers in Chicago may have uncovered the most potent tool yet for disrupting Donald Trump's campaign of hate.