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antiabortion activists

Trump’s abortion stance will do far more damage than any conviction that might come his way

He’s guilty of wanting states to decide, which is a cop-out to the Christian right and a catalyst for Democrats and moderates.

The Object of Our Affection

Her husband let us down, she won't support marriage equality, but still we can't stop dreaming about Hillary. Sean Kennedy sits down with the front-runner for the White House and finds out what's keeping the romance alive.

Conservatives charge that American Girl promotes lesbianism

American Girl, manufacturer of a highly popular line of dolls and children's books, has become the target of conservative activists threatening a boycott unless the toy maker cuts off contributions to a youth organization that supports abortion rights and acceptance of lesbians.

Reading the Far Right: Blaming the Sexual Revolution for Weinstein

Many in the extreme right media seem to think sexual harassment and assault were rare before the 1960s.

Justice for All

Even before the landmark May 15 ruling to lift the ban on gay marriage, the seven justices of the California supreme court have proved an unpredictable group

'Values Voters' Anarchy Good News for Gays

The fractured coalition of Christian conservatives is meeting in Washington, D.C., on Friday and Saturday for a "Values Voters Summit," to be capped Saturday evening by a straw poll of the 2,500 participants. But if media reports are to be believed, consolidating the far-right vote may be wishful thinking this primary season.

How Once-Moderate Bush Got Hijacked by the Religious Right

Our October 1992 cover story explores how George H.W. Bush -- desperate to be reelected -- formed an unholy alliance that haunts us still.