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antilgbtq hate crimes

Anti-LGBTQ+ hate crimes rose in 2023, even while crime decreased overall: FBI report

LGBTQ+ activists say homophobic and transphobic political rhetoric bears a degree of blame.

Louisiana theatre students take to the state capitol's steps to protest ‘don’t say gay’ bill

Thirteen students traveled from New Orleans to Baton Rouge on March 27 to protest several anti-LGBTQ+ bills up for consideration by the Republican-controlled House and Senate.

Accused neo-Nazi's trial begins in connection to killing of gay Jewish college student Blaze Bernstein

The trial was delayed in February after the accused neo-Nazi killer threw water at the judge.

Disturbing connections between alleged white supremacists and 2022 Bratislava gay bar killer

The 19-year-old killer was reportedly an active member of the Terrorgram Collective and heralded as the group’s “very first saint.”