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antitransgender content

Months after threesome scandal, Bridget Ziegler attacks protections for Florida transgender students

Ziegler helped pass an anti-trans measure at a Florida school district.

Israeli Police Officers Arrested in Transgender Attack

A transgender woman was attacked Saturday morning by a group of men, and the suspects include off-duty members of Israel's Border Police.

Transphobic Houston Pastor Embroiled in Harassment Accusations

A Houston pastor who warned about transgender people as sexual predators has been accused of being a sexual predator himself.

Transgender American Suspended by Ukrainian Military After Controversial Video

Sarah Ashton-Cirillo's comments about hunting down Russian "propagandists" drew a complaint from Republican U.S. Sen. J.D. Vance.

Trans Man Stands Firm in AT&T; Discrimination Claim

Despite AT&T's denial that Matthew Hileman faced discrimination, he says the company tried to keep him from releasing a recording of coworkers discussing an 'ass-whooping.'

Cleveland Paper's Latest Transphobic Headline Riles Bathroom Fears

After a brief improvement in its coverage of trans issues, why is Cleveland's Plain Dealer going back to its old transphobic headline practices?