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The Advocates 2024: Poet and activist Dr. Cheryl Clarke

The lesbian poet, essayist, scholar, and educator's career and activism have been going strong for over four decades.

WATCH: Jon Stewart Takes on Rand Paul

The late-night comedy great thinks the 2016 presidential candidate's views on antigay 'religious freedom' laws don't hold up under scrutiny.

PHOTOS: Celebrating LGBT History in L.A. Schools

ONE National Gay and Lesbian Archives has shared a collection of photos to be used for LGBT-specific lesson plans in Los Angeles County high schools.

WATCH: Stephen Colbert Says Bill O'Reilly Is Pro-Goat Marriage

Registering faux shock and awe at 'Papa Bear' Bill O'Reilly's recent statement that he's not bothered by same-sex marriage, Stephen Colbert drew the Fox commentator's statement to its natural conclusion.

WATCH: Colbert Laments, 'Gay People Are Winning the War'

Fake conservative host Stephen Colbert conducts a hilarious and compelling interview with Republican lawyer Theodore Olson and Democratic lawyer David Boies, who joined forces to strike down California's Proposition 8.

WATCH: Stephen Colbert Rants About Grammy Gay Weddings

Colbert wonders how many couples may have been inadvertently 'gay married' at the Grammys.

NBA Player's Coming Out Means 'Final Days of Straight America'

With NBA player Jason Collins coming out, the end is near for straight America, warns the comedian.

WATCH: Gay Valedictorian Gives Speech on National TV

Comedy Central honored Evan Young, who was silenced and outed by his principal when he tried to come out at commencement.

Meet 'The Advocates' of 2024

'The Advocates' list celebrates 10 artists, activists, and allies who are dedicated to making the world a better place for all.

Bay Area Lesbian Archives Founder Lenn Keller Dead at 69

A photographer and filmmaker, Keller was devoted to documenting lesbians' experience in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Earliest Known Recording of Marsha P. Johnson, Sylvia Rivera Found

You can now listen to the 50-year-old recording on the Making Gay History podcast. 

Stephen Colbert Sings 'Oopsie-Daisy Homophobe'

How "awful" does a song need to be to bring us all together?

WATCH: The Pope's Personal Version of Tiger Beat Magazine

Watch out Justin Bieber. The Pope has a new magazine, complete with a glossy centerfold. No one is more delighted about it than 'papal fanboy' Stephen Colbert.

WATCH: Stephen Colbert Has a 'Word' for DOMA Defense

The king of the Colbert Nation explained everything from Fox News' support for marriage equality to why the DOMA defense makes perfect sense.

WATCH: Stephen Colbert on The Loss of Mozilla's Brendan Eich

Stephen Colbert is amazed as Andrew Sullivan turns his audience "reasonable."

Speaker Mike Johnson’s Wife Removes Website Equating Homosexuality to Bestiality and Incest

Following scrutiny, Kelly Johnson, wife of newly elected House Speaker Mike Johnson, has taken down her Christian counseling website that contained documents comparing homosexuality to bestiality and incest.

Our Favorite Colbert Moments

Our favorite fake conservative is taking over the Late Show from David Letterman, and here's why we're pretty pleased about it.

WATCH: Stephen Colbert to Olympians: Cool It on Gay Stuff

Colbert satirically advises athletes on the Russian antigay law, then sees the U.S. threatened by a gay mayor in a small Kentucky town.

Nikki Haley Was Booed at N.Y. Pride and Can't Fathom Why

Donald Trump's ambassador to the United Nations condemned the booing as hateful.

Maurice Sendak Dead at 83

Author and artist Maurice Sendak died in Connecticut Tuesday morning after complications from a recent stroke. He was 83. 
