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arizona legislature

Kyrsten Sinema Slams Democrats as 'Old Dudes ... Eating Jell-O'

Sen. Sinema, once a Democrat but now an independent, has been ridiculing Democrats in front of Republican audiences.

Op-ed: A Play to Clear Arizona's Name

Arizona has a troubled history when it comes to equality, but gay state senator Steve Gallardo is trying hard to change that.

Arizona Lawmakers Keep Pushing for Anti-trans Bathroom Bill

The state House Appropriations Committee approved SB 1045 Wednesday, which would protect businesses that require transgender people to use the bathroom corresponding with their sex assigned at birth.

Fox Pundit: Serving Gay Weddings Aids and Abets Sin

Fox's Erick Erickson critiques colleague Kirsten Powers on laws that would allow businesses to use religion to justify discrimination against LGBT people.

Ed Buck's Past: Drugs, Arrests, Political Machinations

Ed Buck, whose home was the site of protests Monday night, is a prominent Democratic financier who had two black men die in his home.

Gay Arizona Politician Arrested, Accused of Sexual Contact With Minor

Sen. Otoniel "Tony" Navarrete is a member of the Arizona legislature's LGBTQ Caucus.

Gay Indigenous Lawmaker Joins Biden's Transportation Department

Arlando Teller will be deputy assistant secretary for tribal affairs in the department led by Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg.

Op-ed: 'License to Discriminate' Bills Will Keep Coming

The Supreme Court is about to hear two more cases, where the outcomes may have a wider impact than the Arizona law may have had.

Arkansas Governor Lets Antigay Bill Become Law

As expected, Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson allowed a law banning local ordinances protecting LGBT people from discrimination to become law without his signature.

Arizona's Kyrsten Sinema: Smart, Funny, Bi and Running for Senate

This free-thinking congresswoman could be America's new maverick.

Arkansas Passes Ban on Discrimination Bans

The new law will prevent local governments from enacting or enforcing LGBT-inclusive antidiscrimination measures. Legislators also advanced a 'license to discriminate' bill regarding business operators.

Transgender lives and joy are the center of new ACLU campaign 'Freedom to Be'

Daniel Trujillo is one of several trans people featured who are living their life to the fullest. For many trans people, their joy is their resistance.

Meet the Candidates: Arizona's Daniel Hernandez

Hernandez, who helped save Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords's life, is running for the Arizona state legislature.

Gay Arizona State Senator Resigns Amid Charges of Sex With Minor

Tony Navarrete, a founding member of the legislature's LGBTQ+ caucus, maintains his innocence but says he's resigning to focus on his defense.

After Surviving a Mass Shooting, Daniel Hernandez Only Looks Forward

The out Arizona legislator -- who gained a national profile after helping save Rep. Gabrielle Giffords's life -- is now running for Congress.

WATCH: Ariz. Senator Comes Out as Gay

In response to Arizona's almost-successful effort to legalize discrimination based on religious beliefs, State Sen. Steve Gallardo announced that he's a gay man.

Polls Show Marriage Support in 3 Surprising States

All three states currently have constitutional amendments banning same-sex marriage.

Sen. Kyrsten Sinema Spends Campaign Funds on High-End Wines, Food, Travel: Report

The bisexual former Democrat, now an independent, is drawing criticism from both right and left.