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asian american studies

Glenn Magpantay Is One of the Most Powerful Asian American Gay Men in the Nation

Now advising President Biden and Congress, Magpantay is helping America live up to its promise.

San Francisco Celebrates a Century of Queer Asian Activism

Spirit: A Century of Queer Asian Activism is a two-day event taking place May 10-11 in the City by the Bay, featuring more than 23 amazing acts.

U.S.: One-third of LGBT Immigrants Are Undocumented

Nearly a million people in the U.S. are LGBT immigrants.

Wash. Supreme Court Gets First LGBT Justice

Justice Mary Yu was appointed to the Washington State Supreme Court Thursday, making her the first openly LGBT, Latina, and Asian-American person to sit on the high court.

Op-ed: How a Renowned Gay Writer Made the FBI's Most Wanted List

Strong credentials in LGBT academia shrouded Walter Lee Williams's dirty secrets.

Gallup: 3.2% of Americans Identify as LGBT

A Gallup poll identified 3.2% of Americans as LGBT and discovered surprising trends in demographics.

Many Older Queer Adults Face Abuse Yet Rarely Report It, Study Says

Research into Oregon's LGB older adult population also found a majority of them have experienced discrimination in the last year.

Affirmative Action Helped Me Succeed as a Gay Asian-American

Glenn D. Magpantay, the executive director of the National Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance, says affirmative action helped course correct years of discrimination. 

Amid All the Noise in D.C., Dreamers' Fate Hangs in the Balance

Forget about Trump's tweets and demand that Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell pass a clean Dream Act.

Hollywood's Straight White Male Problem Hasn't Changed in 10 Years

USC Annenberg's in-depth study found that 99 percent of the characters in 2017's top films were straight and cisgender. 

New Resource Launched for Asian and Pacific Islander LGBT Youth and Their Parents

A new website from API Equality-LA aims to help the Asian and Pacific Islander community overcome barriers to accepting LGBT youth.

Report Finds U.S. Hate Crimes Laws Inconsistent, Lack Impact

Judy Shepard, whose son Matthew Shepard was brutally murdered in a hate crime, wrote the forward for the report. 

The LGBTQ+ Mental Health Crisis, Explained

The Trevor Project's most recent national survey found an increased suicide risk for LGBTQ+ young people.

What's at Stake for LGBTQ+ Asian Dreamers

Tens of thousands of queer Asian lives hang in the balance.

As Beijing Hosts the Olympics, LGBTQ+ Rights in Asia Remain Dismal

The Beijing Games will portray a rosy picture of life, but the reality is much different for millions of queer Asians and Pacific Islanders.

STUDY: What Factors Besides Sexuality Contribute to LGBT Suicide Rates?

A new study teases out certain striking complexities within the broad group of teens commonly 'lumped' into the same 'LGBT youth' category.

Coronavirus and HIV Parallels: On Racializing and Queering Illness

Bias, fear, and ignorance are the biggest threats of all.

One In 10 Florida Girls Sexually Assaulted, LGB Face Greater Risk

One in five bisexual girls of middle and high school age reported a forced sexual encounter, according to a new report.

Congressman: Nearly 'Impossible for White Guys Not Gay' to Get Appointed as Judges

U.S. Rep. Glenn Grothman says straight white male judges have it really tough under President Biden.

Queer, Asian, Visible, and Empowered at Last

One Asian woman's journey from "ally" to "activist."